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Very Long With Small Amount of Material
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   kamazotz. "Very Long With Small Amount of Material: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp91344)". Erowid.org. Nov 9, 2015. erowid.org/exp/91344

6.5 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (fresh)
I was alone when I had this experience.

I had a piece of San Pedro, that was cut from a live cacti I received, this piece was resting for about 3 weeks before ingestion. I washed the cacti, removed the spines, then sliced it into thin stars. These slices were seasoned with lemon juice and chile powder with some salt.

I enjoyed eating the slices, they were not bitter, at least not as much as I expected. I finished eating them at about 7:00 PM.

Wait time:
It took probably about two hours before I started feeling something on the back of my head at about 9:00 PM.

It was about 9:00 PM when I retreated to my bedroom to prepare for the experience. This is my first time experimenting with San Pedro or with any other entheogenic plant before. I lay in my bed watching the roof, with my eyes closed, I practiced with some mantrams to induce a meditative state to no avail. I was feeling tired but not sleepy, however I decided to try to sleep. I was in my bed for a good 4 hours unable to sleep and experiencing cyclic odd thoughts. I then got up from my bed and discovered an unusual feeling or rather a sensation of intense stupor. I felt compelled to look at my hands and fingers but they looked normal.

One thing I consider worthy of mention is that I felt sexually aroused during the whole experience, however an erection was difficult to maintain but the feeling was very nice still.

During the night I felt the need to go to the bathroom and defecate but to my surprise I had a very hard time completing the task, I was expecting it to be easier due to the high amount of fiber ingested, so I am assuming that the cacti has somehow an astringent effect. I was drinking a lot of water during the night and I continued doing it also during the day as a result went to urinate a lot of times.

I was unable to sleep all night long and then in the morning at about 7:00 AM I went to take a shower and some of the numbness was gone, so I thought that the experience was over. I got dressed, made myself some light breakfast of granola and yoghurt and went to sit at the computer while eating my breakfast. I was about to finish my breakfast when the stupor returned stronger than before, but since I was tired of being in bed I stayed in front of the computer instead, listening to music and watching some videos.

I felt an exacerbated sense of hearing, to the point where regular noises would feel too loud, other than that the rest of the senses responded in the usual way.

I had a couple of phone calls during the experience, one during the night and the second on the morning and my thoughts appeared clear, logic, coherent, the voice normal, though maybe the volume of it a little quieter than usual.

At about 1:00 PM I had my lunch, consisting on a tomato soup with vegetables and some pieces of chicken nuggets. After finishing my meal I felt a renovated stupor once more, so I decided to continue drinking water only as it seems that eating exacerbated the numbness as well as physical motion.

In conclusion the complete experience lasted 24 hours or more, which I consider unusual, given the accounts I read that give an estimate of 12-18 hours. The experience was not positive, nor negative, the most important missing attribute was that it lacked the entheogenic factor, the enlightenment, the increased perception, the colorful visions, etc.

[Reported Dose: '6-7 inches or about 300 grams']

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91344
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 41
Published: Nov 9, 2015Views: 2,859
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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