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Amazing Trip
by Son
Citation:   Son. "Amazing Trip: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp91358)". Mar 19, 2020.

20 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (liquid)
So my buddy Alex ordered a bunch of 4-Aco-DMT on the internet and has been very friendly with it. about two or three weeks before this experience he gave me a 15 mg dose for free. I tripped lightly and had a great time but I definitely wanted to try a stronger dose. So he shows up at my house at around 5:30. We all take our desired doses (mine being 20 but a little extra spilled into my glass of OJ) before 6:00 and we decide were going to go downstairs to my basement and play some video games while it kicks in.

We play a really old playstation basketball game and it is mildly amusing for about 40 minutes when I start to notice that the applause from the crowd sounds really cool. It seemed like the sound was fuller, as if It was really acoustic and it wasn’t coming from speakers. My intrigue with this made me start to giggle and I noticed I had a growing euphoria-type head high. My other friend Nick (I think he was on 25 mg) said that the game was boring and that he wanted to jam. I remembered that he left his keyboard here earlier that week and decided that was a great idea. My band had recently had a show so nothing in my music room was set up so I was running around trying to gather all the appropriate items before getting too high. Nick decides he doesn’t wanna use his keyboard if its not set up so he uses a smaller one that I own, that he’s pretty unfamiliar with. While gathering the cords I started to notice some ego loss. I was thoroughly focused on getting this jam started and I started to lose my sense of self and just became a robot programmed to get this jam going. Eventually everything is set up and we’re all realllllyyy high.

Open eye visuals were starting to occur. I completely lost track of time. Nick sits down in front of the keyboard and tries to play something but it ends up sounding really out of place because of the ridiculous settings on the keyboard. He ends up just pressing keys and the loud synth waves combined with the vintage reverb on the amplifier just sent a wave of euphoria through the room. All of us were just kind of moaning with pleasure every time he pushed a key. I hopped on the drums while someone else just got in front of a floor tom just to bang with the beat. Playing the drums is already pretty damn fun, playing the drums while I'm tripping is incredibly fun. We had a very strange, almost tribal, jam going on. Taylor, the least high of us, was keeping a basic beat on a floor tom and I was adding to it with various fills on the drumset. Nick was doing slow, random runs on the keyboard. All of us are uncontrollably laughing and smiling at one another. The open eye visuals keep getting more and more intense. The inside lighting looked really weird and it made it look as though in my peripherals I was seeing not just one color, but every color at once. I started to stare into the corner of the ceiling and the next thing I know the whole room is moving. We keep jamming and giggling and the visuals just keep getting more intense. Eventually the whole room was spinning like a carousel, and vibrant colors were seeping out of lights everywhere. Sadly, the jam came to a close when Alex (who was kind of bummed because he wasn’t tripping as hard as he thought he would) noticed a very very trippy phenomenon occurring on the drum head. Apparently the drum head was two really really thin pieces of plastic with a small layer of really colorful translucent liquid in between. When he pressed down on the top of the drum a multicolored mark would appear where he applied pressure. On top of this he could make multicolored trails by sliding his finger across the drum head. Somehow Alex managed to get all of our attention on this drum head. We’re all gathered around it just staring into it and tripping balls. To me, the reflection of the lighting in the room off of the drum head was very intensified from the 4-Aco, almost to the point where it just looked like a pillar of light emanating from the drum. The fact that I could reach my hand into said pillar of light and make multicolored trails in it was truly mindblowing, and I could tell everyone else was just as fascinated because we were all gathered around the drum staring intently at these spectacular visuals. There were just incredibly good vibes in this room, I don’t know how else to put it.
After we were all done with the drum head we went into my movie theater room and watched a few episodes of Squidbillies, a cartoon of which I owned the first and second season.

I’m really not sure what time it was but if I had to say probably about 9:00 maybe 9:45 at latest. The peak of the trip had ended and was now coming in distinct waves. The euphoric laughter and visuals were going in and out during squidbillies, and on random occasions different parts of the show on the screen would break off into endless space. It was really intriguing but at the same time hilarious because it was Squidbillies. We all slowly stopped tripping on a really great note. Afterwards we could all agree that it was one of the best trips we’d ever had and that we feel like we’re all a bit better friends now. Without a doubt I want to do this drug again, at a higher dosage.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91358
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 19, 2020Views: 727
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), General (1)

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