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I Nearly Died
Citation:   Elele. "I Nearly Died: An Experience with Cocaine (exp9136)". Dec 5, 2003.

My boyfriend and I had been shooting up cocaine for a couple of days and I was at the point where I couldn't see straight, everything was moving and this light kept getting smaller and smaller, but I wasn't scared because my boyfriend had assured me that I wouldn't die. It had never even occurred to me. Then he gave me a shot and I remember kinda floating off. Apparently I had gone into convulsions and he started giving me CPR and breathing for me, he said he could see when the life went out of me and one side of my face was drooping, then he dragged me into the shower and started shooting water into my eyes but I didn't respond for about 10 minutes. Finally I remember looking down at my body, totally separated from it though, and then according to him I started breathing on my own again, and he carried me into the bed, where I woke up about half an hour later not remembering anything. The first thing out of my mouth was asking him to shoot me up again.

The strange thing about this is, I look back on this experience and because it was so peaceful to me, I don't regret it, just glad I came back to life so my parents didn't have to go through the pain and embarrassment of their daughter dying from a cocaine overdose.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 9136
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 5, 2003Views: 25,043
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Cocaine (13) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Overdose (29), Addiction & Habituation (10), Health Problems (27)

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