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They Tend to Counteract Each Other
2C-B & MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Anonymou5. "They Tend to Counteract Each Other: An Experience with 2C-B & MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp91529)". Mar 23, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 1:45 20 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 2:45 20 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00 10 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 4:15   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 4:45 15 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 5:05 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 5:05   smoked Cannabis  
2C-B Taught Me...

All Trip Reports tend to start at the beginning, so for the sake of entertainment I'm going to start at the end and then jump back to the beginning. At the bottom of this trip report are the lessons I learned from this night, and all the other crazy phenethylamine induced nights I've had in my days.

The following is unfortunately all true, I had a great time, but on paper, it looks like I should have overdosed.

Flash to 4AM (Saturday Night, the night of the Rapture 05-21-11)

4:00 AM - Me (Age 24, 180LBS.) and the girl (Age 25, 95 LBS.) are dropped off at my house aka 'the fortress of solitude,' and I immediately go to my drug kit to get the last of my 2cb stash (15mg Capsule).

Note: I have not been keeping an accurate count of the drugs I have consumed this particular night. All I know is that I am now out of 2cb which means I must have taken a lot, but milligrams are meaningless to me at the current moment. All I know is how I feel, and how I feel is that I can take more 2cb, as I do not want this night to end.
All I know is how I feel, and how I feel is that I can take more 2cb, as I do not want this night to end.

I ask the girl if she wants more 2cb and she declines, so I happily take the 15mg Capsule, the last of my 2cb. This means I have now consumed 65mg of 2cb on this particular Saturday, along with 4 yellow Louis Vuitton Ecstasy pills. I feel good, the visuals are in full effect so I turn on the best music visualizer there is, Milkdrop for Winamp. The visualizer freezes when it is done with a song, yet the visualizer never freezes when I'm on this much 2cb. I tell the girl, 'Doesn't it look like the visualizer is still going?' 'It's not?' She replies. 'What the fuck?' Honestly, it looked like it was still going, still spinning, still weaving, but it was still, our minds on the other hand were in high gear.

Flashback to the beginning of the night, 9:30 PM.

Flash to me meticulously weighing out my recently purchased 80mg 2cb stash into little capsules. This was to be my first experience on 2cb, however I have had multiple experiences on other phenethylamines including 2ct2, 2ci, 2ce, and the San Pedro Cactus aka Mescaline.

I weigh out three 10mg capsules, one 20 mg capsule, and two 15mg capsules. After reading multiple trip reports on 2cb I found that the recurrent theme of nearly all of them is that they wish they'd taken less. I read that the happy dose and the uncomfortable dose can be just milligrams away from each other so I thought a good idea would be to start with a moderate dose (20 mg) and just take more if I felt I needed/wanted it. I did it this way because you can always add to the trip, but you can never take away from the trip, and I wasn't sure how the ecstasy would interact with the drug yet, I read that they do go well together.

10:00 PM Depart from my house.

11:00 PM Arrive at Club Avalon (Hollywood, Ca) to see Trance DJ Markus Schulz.

Hidden on my person is a pill bottle with the words 'HUNTER S. THOMPSON'S TOOLKIT' written on it. The contents of the pill bottle are 6 Yellow Louis Vuitton Ecstasy Pills, 1 blunt of Bubblegum special (Marijuana), One 20mg Capsule 2cb, One 15mg Capsule 2cb, three 10mg Capsules 2cb.

11:15 PM I ingest 1 Louis Vuitton Ecstasy pill. The girl (95 LBS) takes 1/2 of a Louis Vuitton.

12:15 PM We feel the ecstasy, slightly, Damn my high tolerance! I wish I could've found pure MDMA for the night, but these yellow Louis Vuittons will have to do. I immediately take another pill. She takes another half.

12:45 PM I finally feel good, and feel the roll, and am eager to trip on this 2cb.

1:00 AM Markus Schulz gets on stage, to celebrate, I take a 20 mg capsule of 2cb. Girl takes a 15mg Capsule.

2:00 AM I feel the 2cb start to overtake the roll. I feel like I probably need more, so I take another 10mg Capsule, and another one shortly thereafter.

Note: 2AM to 3:30 AM is a little bit of a blur. All I know is that when our friend picked us up at 3:30AM I feel amazing and have only 1 ecstasy pill in my Drug kit, and 1 blunt. Which means at some point between 2AM and 3:30AM I consumed an additional two ecstasy pills, and the third of the 10mg capsules of 2cb.

3:30AM Depart from Club Avalon
Awesome friend of mine picks us up and we smoke the blunt on the way back to my house.

To summarize at this point I have consumed 50mg of 2cb and 4 ecstasy pills, and 1 blunt of Bubblegum Special. I feel good, and this mural that is outside the Avalon is moving quite a bit. It moves a bit like a hologram, moving slightly and returning to its original position, it goes back and forth like this as I listen to music.

4:00 AM Arrival at my house aka the Fortress of Solitude
I think this is about where we came in.

The girl declines my offer of more 2cb, so I take another 15mg of 2cb, as I do not want this night to end.

4:20 AM I pop the last ecstasy pill I have, and light up another blunt of Bubble Gum Special. Marijuana while fun to smoke doesn't really have an effect while I'm tripping on something. In my experience, the act of smoking (i.e. the ritualistic nature of smoking), is what's fun, not to mention the fact that I'm breathing out smoke. If smoking weed has an effect while tripping it is very very slight, but the patterns I see in the smoke that I exhale are breathtaking.

4:20 AM - 6:45 AM We watch the Milkdrop Visualizer and listen to awesome Trance and Dubstep, I am in some sort of constant motion, even laying down. My jaw trembles with the music and sweat on my brow accumulates due to the high amount of ecstasy I've consumed. The girl is cold due to the infamous 2cb chills. She comments on how opposite our body temperatures are, and it's at this moment I think I shouldn't have taken that last ecstasy pill.

At some point during this time, we break for ARTs And Crafts Time i.e. we finger-paint. Painting is one of my favorite things to do while tripping. The amount of color that bursts out of every stroke is utterly amazing and being that colors vibrate while on phenethylamines like 2cb, painting is especially fun. Finger-painting adds to the experience as the cool touch of the paint and the freedom of not being limited to a brush is unmatchable.

What I learned…

I learned that I should always keep a running tally of the the drugs I've ingested. Whether its physically writing it down, or texting myself every time I take a pill, it would help me keep track of my intake.

I learned that I should either have a very strong will, or keep a buffer between my drugs and myself. My experience with ecstasy and phenethylamines is that while on them, I become a hedonist, a pleasure-seeker.
My experience with ecstasy and phenethylamines is that while on them, I become a hedonist, a pleasure-seeker.
Money is no object while on these drugs, nothing matters, I'm not too concerned with the future or the past, I'm totally immersed in the present, and I tend to make some irrational decisions while on these drugs, like the ones I made on the above-mentioned night. I wish I hadn't taken as much as I did, but as I said before I felt like I could take more, and I happened to have more, so I took more and more and more. This is especially true with ecstasy, having a lot of pills on me is never a good idea, because I'm more likely to say 'Why not, fuck it, what's one more pill? $10?' And that's how I can end up taking 2 more than I should've.

I learned if I'm going to take ecstasy and a phenethylamine like 2cb or 2ci or 2ct2, I should take the ecstasy first, then only when I'm coming down, should I take the 2cb.

Taken like I did, they tend to counteract each other. If I were tripping on 2cb and then took ex, the ex would sober me up, so to speak. The ex will kill my visual hallucinations and lead me out of my trip, and down the lame familiar road of 'rolling.'

Stacking them like I did, as in taking some ex, then some 2cb, then some ex, then some more 2cb, the effects of both drugs are diminished and I get a sort of half-breed trip of the two.

Apparently, 65mg of 2cb is a lot, and 5 ecstasy pills is a lot. If I would have taken just 65mg of 2cb, I probably would have lost my mind. If I would have taken just 5 ecstasy pills, I probably would have rolled my balls off. Yet, I did not take them separately, I took them together, and the consequence was they worked against each other. It's comparable to drinking and doing cocaine. I can drink a hell of a lot when I'm on cocaine, and I don't really feel too drunk. Well substituting drinking for 2cb, and substituting ecstasy for cocaine, the drugs are fun together but are probably best enjoyed separately, or used in the manner I mentioned before. (Ex first, then when I'm done with rolling, I would take the phenethylamine.)

I learned that taking phenethylamines in increments isn't as effective as taking one high does all up front. Example, if I took 30mg of 2cb at once, I would have an amazing trip. However, if I took 15mg, then took 10mg, then took another 5mg later, I wouldn't have, in my opinion, as good of a trip. I have tripped on 2ci, 2ce, 2cb, and 2ct2 all on multiple occasions and out of all those trips, the best ones have been the ones where I take a high dosage up front. Taking in increments is much like smoking weed, it may add to the trip, but I'd never know it. There's never a transition period like with ecstasy where I 'feel' that second pill. I just have to assume later that the trip would've ended earlier if I hadn't taken the additional 15mg or whatever.

Some of my more regrettable trips have followed a plan similar to a night like the one I described above.

Now, with taking a high dosage up front, I might feel a little uncomfortable at first but ultimately those have been my favorite trips, the kinds of trips that almost teeter on the edge of too much. If I were to take 2cb again with my weight (180 LBS) and experience with drugs, I would probably do 30-40mg.

I would not have sex at the onset, I would let sex be the icing on the cake after the peak, perhaps hour 3 or 4 into it. This girl and I had sexual relations right at the onset. The trip was not lame after that but it did peak too early so to speak.

One of the greatest experience I have ever known is tripping balls in Amsterdam on Mushrooms, in a shower with no windows (complete darkness) with a girl, and all I can say is that it was like being reborn. I let my eyes adjust to the complete darkness and saw where my mind would take me, I could have added music but it was great just listening to the water.

I learned that out of all the phenethylamines I've taken, that 2ct2 is my favorite, followed by 2ci coming in a close second with 2ce on its tail and 2cb behind that, and behind all of that is mescaline. Everyone's opinions are different but I have tried 2ci around 6 times, 2ce once, 2cb once, and 2ct2 twice. 2ct2 for me was simply magical, it caused me to have some very bizarre but non-threatening thoughts. Weird thoughts, abstract and the visuals were amazing.

2cb didn't really distinguish itself much for me
2cb didn't really distinguish itself much for me
, 2ce and 2ct2 both were distinctly different than 2ci, but 2cb seemed kind of tame, in my opinion. It could have been the fact that I ate a lot of ex alongside it but, the visuals weren't anything too spectacular and the head trip was virtually non-existent. It just didn't stimulate thought in the same way that 2ci and 2ct2 have.

Having said all that, I will definitely be giving 2cb another try, this time without the aid of ecstasy. Further investigation is needed.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Mar 23, 2020Views: 2,222
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MDMA (3), 2C-B (52) : Various (28), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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