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First Day of the Rest of My Life
Citation:   TommyScars. "First Day of the Rest of My Life: An Experience with Ketamine (exp91570)". Erowid.org. Feb 16, 2018. erowid.org/exp/91570

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
A day in June: That time in the woods, down our ways...

The decision had already been made earlier in the week the plan was: Meet up, find a secluded area, experiment, discuss, go home. Simple... or so I thought...

I woke up, looked outside and the sun was blazing. Game on. After a few phone calls, everything was organised, I stepped into the Black Mamba and set off. First a quick stop at the shop for a drink and some cigs and then on to a friends house, then to the woods. We all arrived at the same time, there was 5 of us altogether. As soon as we found a secluded spot she appeared 'Katie'.

After everything was acquired we sat down, and I found myself looking at Katie glistening under the sun, and then the time came, we all took a small amount onto our keys and sniffed. The burning sensation was intense and I realised then that there was no going back.

We all stood up and started walking, nothing was said, it was as if we already knew what to do, as we strolled through the woodland, I started to get a feeling I'd never experienced before. It felt like the skin on my face started to tighten, just around my jaw line and cheek bones, a very odd feeling, my hearing was perfect and my sight was crystal clear, it was at this point when I said 'WOAH, ITS LIKE LIFE IN HD'. I was in a state of euphoria, all my senses were tingling, I could see every blade of grass, every leaf on the trees even the creatures running around the woodland floor, it was epic. I looked around for the others and saw L just stood staring at some steps, my curiosity led me toward him to see what was going on. As soon as I got there I was looking down at these steps and I realised something was different, they seemed flat. Y'know when you see those cartoons where the good guy is running away from the bad guy up some stairs, the bad guy pulls a lever and the stairs turn into a slide/slope, well that's what these steps looked like. I couldn't work out how to get down them, I struggled for a while trying to look back through my childhood memories for the solution to these steps... Nothing, what a world of shit I was in now, my curiosity had led me to the same fate as L. Stuck at the top of what seemed like a skyscraper with no way of getting down.

I was gone. Lost inside my own mind and confused at how the simplest of tasks had defeated me. It seemed like a lifetime until C brought me out of what I can only describe as a trance. I shook it off, looking around at my friends with a stare that is best compared to a confused toddler unable to open a door. There was no laughter, no pity, no sympathy just silence. Everyone, including me was amazed at what was happening. I couldn't believe my eyes and I didn't, I found myself constantly arguing with what was in front of me. All of my senses were heightened, my body was experiencing something new, it didn't know how to react, whether to fight it or whether to let it take hold and ride the train that is Katie. The decision was made for me, Katie had a strong grip of me now, to other people I was still myself but a bit slowed down but what was happening in my head was a different matter, pure euphoria and confusion.

I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing but I couldn't work out what it was
I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing but I couldn't work out what it was
, after another age I realised I was still walking, I must have looked like a mindless zombie, but I was having the time of my life. I'd been silent for that long I'd forgotten how to speak so when people asked me questions muttered noises tended to be the reply, I knew what I was trying to say but they didn't, I decided just a slur and a nod of the head was the way forward to answer my companions.

All of a sudden we came to a stop, we'd hit a clearing in the trees, we'd ended up on a side of a valley but miniature, I'd been here many times before in my childhood, everything looked so familiar and yet completely different. I was coming round, the feeling of sobriety was creeping up on me, we used this opportunity to find a nice spot to sit, and we did. It was at the top of this miniature valley, we sat with our legs on the downward slope and our backs to a field that I had completely forgotten about until then.

Finally some form of discussion was starting, L started off with 'so lads, what d'ya think?' the reply was a resounding 'Yeah man, sick'. Was this it? my heart sunk a little, I was already in love with this sensation I'd discovered just an hour ago and I didn't want it to end, not yet, not now. Then it hit me, we all had more, a few moments later and the burning sensation was back, shortly followed by a taste that was not very pleasant, M saw the distress in my face and offered me a drink, washing that taste away felt amazing, it seemed as if all the troubles in my life went with it. Sounds strange doesn't it?

We were all in deep conversation about what we had experienced so far, a few of us had no depth perception and surreal out of body experiences like seeing yourself through someone else's eyes, for me it was just pure amazement at how the human body can do such things. After a few moments I started to feel the sensation again, I fell onto my back, spread out and let myself go. The sky looked perfect, the slight breeze was perfect everything, to me, was perfect. I knew from that moment on I was going to have a long affair with Katie.

I laid there, staring, thinking, just wondering about every little thing 'what do insects think of? why is grass so smooth?' and in that moment everything fell into place, I was happy.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 91570
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 16, 2018Views: 1,468
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Ketamine (31) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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