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Physical, Sickening & Thoroughly Regrettable
LSD & Lithium Carbonate
by RaGE
Citation:   RaGE. "Physical, Sickening & Thoroughly Regrettable: An Experience with LSD & Lithium Carbonate (exp91616)". Erowid.org. May 30, 2020. erowid.org/exp/91616

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD  
  T+ 2:00 2 hits oral LSD  
  T+ 2:00 1200 mg oral Pharms - Lithium (daily)
AVOID if Taking Lithium

I had not tripped acid in several years. Maybe even since high school. But one thing was for sure, I held no fear in my heart for it, and I was looking forward to a good time.

The first two hits did not have any effect on me, even after two hours.
The first two hits did not have any effect on me, even after two hours.
I eventually gave in and popped two more hits, unworried. The resulting LSD trip began as usual, enhanced perception.. drawn to music. Philosophical ramblings, art, ideas, etc. The makings of a good trip.

Eventually, I had to stop listening to music as the intensity was continuing to increase to a level I had never experienced before, but I knew I was ok. I just needed to reduce sensory stimulation. I turned off every light in the house, and unplugged every electronic device that I owned, in an effort to quell high frequency sounds, lights, fans, and other annoyances. Music persisted anyway. Immutable and driven by the rhythm of my heartbeat and breath in my lungs. Intense, amazing, a gateway to extra-dimensional consciousness, and... becoming a bit exhausting.

The music turned against me, no longer controlled by my biometrics; instead, literally controlling my life.

Heartbeat, erratic, uncontrollable. Cannot speak. Communicating with gestures. Breathing, struggling to maintain some modicum of control. Short gasps, fish out of water. Violent willful determination to keep trying to breathe, to slow my heart. Rational still, believing my life is safe, but this is the most difficult peak anyone has ever had, ever. At least my friend was there to try to help bring some regularity to my breathing. Calm, comforting words.

Frustrated with trying to normalize my breathing for over half an hour, I got up from the couch to leave the room. Perceptions mixed, and intermittent. I knew that something was now severely fucking wrong. Nausea in my stomach, the equivalent in my head, heart out-of-control, trying so hard to breathe just plain sucks.

I was just sick of everything that was going on and I wanted to get away from it fast. I made three steps on my feet, then probably about three more on my hands and knees... I woke up, face cut up. My chin smarting, and scraped up. Blood on the floor, from when I bit the side of my tongue away during the seizure.

Somewhere in the seconds that I lost, terrfied, I felt that I should probably die now. That this was what that was like, and it is happening. And resignation, please, whatever, just as long as its over.

I felt terrible when I came to, if I tried really hard, I could say one or two words. I just spent several moments afterward unco-ordinatedly bouncing off the walls in the hallway, trying to make my way into any other room, away from the mess. Still mostly trying to communicate with gestures. I found enough words to plead my friend to call 911, and then I immediately begged her not to while she was trying to find her phone.

A couple hours later, I had returned to normal. Chin hurting, tongue chewed up. The most intense trip of my life, physical and sickening, and thoroughly regrettable.

Final words:
Don't take LSD while taking Lithium. I had a really shitty time where I ended up struggling endlessly against my own body's naturally automated functions, terrified as they spun chaotically out-of-synch. And then, also, I got to have a seizure. Ugh.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91616
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 30, 2020Views: 917
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3)

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