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Amazing Night
by Jess
Citation:   Jess. "Amazing Night: An Experience with MDMA (exp91645)". Nov 7, 2019.

T+ 0:00
  oral MDMA
  T+ 4:30   oral Alcohol
I was going to my friends big party with my boyfriend, I came early at around 6:00 so we can just chill and take the M (my first time) so I was a little scared to try it but I was really excited at the same time. I took the M at 6 and it was a light dose.

I started feeling effects about 45 minutes after taking the drug but the only thing I felt was hot and cold flashes. Maybe 10 minutes later I started feeling so relaxed and just had a great body high, like I saw the world differently and felt so happy to be where I am. We were going to go for a walk but I felt a little nauseous so we went back upstairs and just laid there for an hour, that was an amazing experience; I felt so connected to my boyfriend like I was safe with him. It felt so great to lay beside him and touch him. We were playing music in the background and it just sounded so nice. We laid there for about an hour and went downstairs to see if people had showed up yet. My boyfriend introduced me to some of his friends and even though I didnt know them I felt comfortable around them like they couldn't judge me
even though I didnt know them I felt comfortable around them like they couldn't judge me
, it was such a great feeling. When people started coming and the party was finally starting at about 9 I felt like I can talk to them and have a good conversation I was just in the best mood; happy, relaxed, comfortable.

I loved it, never wanted it to stop. So coming down was a little depressing but I was still enjoying my high while it lasted. I had later at around 10 or 11 started drinking alcohol it had made me feel good too. As the night came to an end I was just thinking about what a great time I was having, I would definetely do this again. By far way better than marijuana.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91645
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Nov 7, 2019Views: 727
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MDMA (3) : Large Group (10+) (19), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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