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Rice is Not Just for Eating...
Alcohol (Rice Wine)
Citation:   Clarino. "Rice is Not Just for Eating...: An Experience with Alcohol (Rice Wine) (exp9165)". Oct 30, 2002.

200 ml oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Chinese rice wine (bei jiu) is one of those drinks most people think is absolutely foul. When I first tried it, this was undoubtedly my response, but after 18 months of the stuff, I’ve started to appreciate the effects of it a lot more. The best rice wine is made in the province in which I live, Guizhou, and is called Mao Tai. It is the purest type, and does not give me a hangover, seemingly irrespective of how much I drink.

One night, on my own, I decided to drink a lot of mao tai and see what happened. Normally I drink about 6 or 7 cups (small, 25ml shot cups) of regular bei jiu at banquets and end up barely able to walk and feel ill. Mao tai, however, because of its purity, does not have this effect. Instead, it heightens visual stimuli such as TV or the Internet, and gives me a great sense of humour. I was able to laugh at anything, felt as high as I did on the best Laotian grass, and watched The Matrix, which is a superb visual feast when high on anything. On rice wine, it was a multi-layered, multi-dimensional phantasmagoria, completely pulling me in until I forgot who or where I was. As a foreigner in China, there was nothing better – forgetting where I are from time to time is perfect.

Mao Tai can be bought in China and, I’m told, from some Chinese shops in the states. It costs about Y200 a bottle over here ($25) and a good session will probably consume about a third of the bottle. Enjoy.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9165
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2002Views: 870
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4)

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