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Upsides and Downsides
Citation:   DryCandy. "Upsides and Downsides: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp91790)". Erowid.org. Mar 27, 2020. erowid.org/exp/91790

T+ 0:00
225 mg oral Diphenhydramine
  T+ 0:45 125 mg oral Diphenhydramine
I first experimented with Benadryl when my doctor recommended it as a solution for my insomnia, along with relaxation exercises. After discovering that the recommended dose had no effect on me, I instinctively researched recreational usage. After thoroughly researching (which you should do with any drug you're unfamiliar with), I decided to try it out myself.

At approximately 9pm, I ingested 9 25mg tablets. After 45mins with out any effects I took 5 more. About an hour and a half after taking the initial dose, I found my self fascinated with my hand. I was holding it in front of my face amazed. I began thinking, ' What is this? This is me.'. My mind was racing with questions. The biggest being, 'Out of all the endless possibilities, how did everything coincide perfectly to create this moment?'

I was fully aware that I was under the influence of the drug. I was mildly euphoric. Breathing was very enjoyable. Almost like during the come up of MDMA, just not as drastic. Music was also very enjoyable. Blasting non stop Skrillex.

Visually I was seeing slight blurs in my peripherals. Which had my attention jumping in different directions.

The enlightened, philosophical state of mind, euphoria, and (to some extent) hallucinations were definitely the upsides to this experience. Next the downsides.

30mins after the onset of the high, I started to experience mild anxiety, which was partly induced by the uncertainty of experimenting with a new drug. Where I sat was dimly light compared to the rest of the room. I was staring at the back side of my hand when I noticed my veins looked drastically exaggerated. I panicked, believing this was a sign that I took too much and had crossed the point of no return. In short, I was pretty certain I was going to die. I jumped up immediately so that I could inspect my hands under a light. I felt a little bit tipsy upon standing. Slightly drunk. When in bright light I realized my hands appeared normal as ever. It was only my uncertain eyes playing tricks on me. Calmed, I returned to my seat and began to think. My mind wandered towards the thought of death. It was the most enlightening and terrifying internal debate I had ever experienced. I can't put into words the profound, at least at the time, thoughts I was having. Also, I felt the urge to do productive tasks, but lacked the motivation and energy to engage in them.

With the good weighed and the bad, I definitely believe this was an overall positive experience. It does have the potential to go seriously wrong. Not so much physically, but mentally. Though I do think it is much easier to pull myself out of than other drugs (Shrooms, LSD, etc.). The effects lasted at least 4 hours. Even with the massive dosage my insomnia was not lessened. I laid in bed until 7 am. I couldn't tell if I had came down or not.

As of writing this I am currently on my 4th night straight of 12+ tablets. Have enjoyed each experience. I think it might be mildly habit forming.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91790
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 27, 2020Views: 1,053
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Diphenhydramine (109) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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