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Multiple Doorways of Infinite Possibilities
Citation:   TheTommyP. "Multiple Doorways of Infinite Possibilities: An Experience with DMT (exp91819)". Feb 27, 2020.

  repeated smoked DMT
First of all what I’m going to try to explain will be nowhere near how amazing of an adventure this substance brings. And it brings me great pain to realize that there are people in this society who look down upon its use. And there is so much that happened in such a small amount of time that I know I can’t get it all down. So the setting is this: my friend 'M', who also enjoyed himself a nice journey, and a beautiful female friend of mine in our living room. I enjoyed having a beautiful friend join you for the ride, not really to say anything, but it was very cool to see a glowing effect around a beautiful girl that you dig. So we are all in the living room and I’m on the ground facing a giant Bob Marley fabric.

After the first hit I could easily see the separating of dimensions when I closed my eyes. I go to the 3rd hit and set down the pipe. Everything looked incredibly sharp and focused, with a feeling to how everything looked- defiantly shrooms times 1000 (as it has been mentioned many times before). I could clearly hear this low toned humming getting louder and louder in pitch until I reached my destination. Upon closing my eyes I was completely submersed into this completely strange yet familiar labyrinth of chaotic and elaborate designs. I really can’t describe it, but it seemed like I was observing some sort of “kitchen” being covered in these incredible moving designs and patterns of color and energy. Everything was just covered in this colorful energy swirling and swimming around this “kitchen”. It was very odd, yet familiar. I say familiar in the sense that I honestly feel like I had been there before- possibly many times and I just had no recollection of it- almost like how you forget the majority of a dream every morning.

I took some more hits (2-3), and upon closing my eyes was when the knowledge journey hit me. I could see almost exactly how we entered the dimension. It was like I was in a giant room underground- deep-deep underground, and there were literally thousands of doors I could choose to journey through. I was thrust into what seemed to me like an observation of another planet and its strange “beings”. I say beings loosely because it is really not possible to describe these. I was watching these “beings” walk and roam around; it seemed almost as if they were searching for something. I remember clearly how they noticed me and the instant they did they ran over to get a closer look. This is when things got really weird. They were so close to me but so far at the same time. It was almost like watching them through a glass box I was encased in. They were just observing me, tilting their heads back and forth just watching everything about me. I opened my eyes and could see very detailed and elaborately difficult patterns on my plain carpet and on this giant Bob Marley cloth I have hanging on my wall. M and my beautiful friend had an aurora of energy surrounding them, which was a very comforting feeling. I closed my eyes again.

This was when I was instantly relocated to another doorway- I was pulled back through everything I saw, and it was very similar to watching a tape being rewound. This when I got to the library and the jokesters. I say library loosely as well. I can’t explain how hard it really is to even try to put words to some of this, so please keep that in mind. But I was in this place that was seemingly familiar to a library setting. There were thousands of shelves full of what seemed like books and I was just roaming through the different ally’s of books. This is when the jokesters came out to play. Now I’ve always heard about these guys and I knew a thing or 2 about them before I tried this substance. But nothing could prepare me.

As I was roaming around this library something kept telling me to focus- focus on why I was there and what I was brought there for. I saw what reminded me of the movie “Signs” when Mel Gibson was walking through the corn field and he just sees the alien’s foot and it disappeared. Very similar situation to what I had. So I continue to walk and I hear laughter, so close to me yet everywhere I look I see nothing. I saw the foot again and chased it but found nothing when I got there but laughter. I knew I was in the presence of these guys and I had heard before not to let them get behind you because they play tricks on you. They were too smart for me and were just toying with me over and over. I fell for the foot trick hundreds of times it seemed like, and every time they would get more elaborate with the joke. They would be poking me and calling me over then disappearing- it was very humorous. I kept telling them that I want to talk and communicate but they would just be laughing and dancing around in this really crazy way. I say crazy not in a bad way, it was just nothing of this earth.

After a while they disappeared and I took 2 more hits. I was taken to another doorway. This doorway was very similar to the opening of a universal gateway of some sort; please try to bear with me it’s very difficult to describe. But it was like seeing the doorway to a distant galaxy unfold right in front of my eyes. Almost like I was witnessing the creation of a universe- perhaps our universe I really don’t know. I kept telling myself to find the “beings” and ask them why I was there and what I could know from them. This doorway way vastly different from the others I saw and was so full of what seemed like universal knowledge. I soon found the “beings” again, and they were not easy to communicate with at all. The whole time I was observing this take place I was almost certain that “they” were gathering information from my head. I really can’t explain this, but I had a strong sense of knowledge that this was an alien race of some kind and this was how they communicated with us. They were showing me things and entertained me as they scrimmaged through my head. It was a very awesome and amazing idea. I felt honored to be allowed to witness and take part in this place with these beings. Keep in mind that the whole time I could actually feel what was going on, and I could feel this sense of astonishment and amazement the whole time. It was like I literally went to this different dimension when my eyes were closed.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91819
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 27, 2020Views: 916
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DMT (18) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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