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Stilton Cheese Trip
Cheese - Blue (Stilton)
Citation:   Fluxatorium. "Stilton Cheese Trip: An Experience with Cheese - Blue (Stilton) (exp92001)". Jul 20, 2011.

25 g oral Cheese - Blue
I read the article about the psychological experiment involving people eating types of cheese and having crazy dreams a while ago, and then this last time I was at the store, I saw a small slice of Stilton cheese, so I had to try it out. It was the Stilton with blue veins running through it. I’m no cheese expert so that’s about the extent of my knowledge. I ate all of the cheese pretty quickly with some crackers about 20 minutes before going to sleep. It was way too intense to eat without the crackers, and it was very rich. This is what my dreams entailed, as far as I can remember.

At first it was an adventure in an unknown world, I had a knapsack with a blanket and food n stuff and I was able to just wander around. The world was vast and I could travel any distance without getting tired. There were mountains and random bits of human settlement but it was as if humans had died off a thousand years in the past, so only small bits of our civilization were left, mostly consumed by nature. It was extremely happy and fun. The vividness of the green grass in the sunlight, I could smell all the flowers and when I came to the ocean I could distinctly smell that too. Everything was just beautiful.

I settled down for the night on an old truck on a dilapidated highway above a vast, grassy meadow near the ocean. Night came and I could feel the temperature drop to a summer night feeling. After lying down and staring at the stars for a while, I was extremely content and at peace for what seemed like hours. Daytime came and a group of people wondered through the trees to me. They were friends of mine, a few whom I recognized. We all followed the ocean up to a playground. We sat down and started playing in sand. Everyone was talking and having a good time till a tree nearby exploded. We all were instantly on edge, it felt like a battle had started, we looked to the ocean and a pirate ship was firing its cannons at us. It was kind of funny though. Then rain clouds came in at a ridiculous rate, it started dumping rain and lightning started to strike with insanely loud thunder.

For a dream it was pretty incredible, my ears were ringing. We all had to get away from the ocean and hide from the lightning, all my friends dispersed and I was left with only 2 people hiding under a tree far enough from the ocean, we could still see the pirate ship but it couldn’t reach us with its cannonballs. Then lightning struck just a few feet away from us and it was crazy. I could hear the lightning start up in the sky and sizzle its way all the way down to the spot it hit, immediately the thunder came and it was so loud I went deaf for a few minutes. The pirate ship stopped firing and the rain slowly started letting up. The feeling of being in a battle calmed and it was revealed to me that the pirate ship was just phase one of some huge planetary invasion, and the playground was actually a secret, huge underground bunker made hundreds of years ago to fight off this invasion. I immediately corralled everyone into the bunker and started working on the defenses. The invasion started happening almost immediately. The whole defense took days but it all happened really fast and I don’t remember exactly what happened. Soon though the bunker was just too old to hold everyone off and eventually we were all captured.

At this point it started turning bad. I wasn’t happy, I was scared. I was the leader so I was just handcuffed and being dragged around, but everyone else who had helped me defend (fortunately none of whom I recognized this time) were all chained to the walls of the bunker being tortured. Then the invasion leader came up to me and was actually an old friend of mine that has gotten distant lately. He looked terrifying and he had a sword to my throat. Then he laughed and proceeded to ask me if/how I wanted my whole crew to be killed. He then showed me how he was going to kill them but stabbing himself in the chest without flinching and making huge swaths through his body as if it were butter. The blood was dripping down his chest and he was just smiling. The moment he pulled his sword out, all of his wounds instantly healed but then he stabbed me and started doing the same thing. The pain was strange, it didn’t hurt but I knew it should. I couldn’t escape, I thought this was reality and I was going to die. I watched as my body and then arms were flayed open. That was the key feature, I realized there was no way I could possibly be conscious and see these things happen to my body. I realized I was dreaming and woke up immediately.

After a few minutes of warily staring around my room and breathing, I sat up and saw I had only been asleep for 2 hours, although I felt like I had been wondering this world for days and days. The dream time vs real time was the most drastic difference I’ve ever experience from sleeping/dreaming in my life. I’m filled with the post trip feeling of mental tiredness.

I’m writing this about 20 minutes after waking up more for my own benefit to remember all of it, but I’ll submit it here purely for a lack of anything related to it.

Overall, now that I’m calmed down, the experience was amazing. The vividness of the dream was extended to all of my senses in a way I’ve never experienced before. When I was wondering around I was really really happy. And I think the whole battle wasn’t half as frightening as the content and peace I felt that first night, when it comes to the magnitude of emotions. Seeing my friend cut himself with a sword was the only really freaky part. Now I’m off to bed to see if the cheese will affect me after about an hour of being awake.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92001
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 20, 2011Views: 38,956
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Cheese - Blue (468), Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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