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Weird Reaction
Citation:   baileyjt. "Weird Reaction: An Experience with Cannabis (exp92015)". Jul 26, 2011.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis
So I smoke pot all the time every time. And I get that light headed feeling while trying to hold in a big hit every once and again, but this time was different.
I Tried to channel the feeling and see where it would take me and the next thing I knew the song on the radio 'Another one bites the dust' started morphing and it was whole different sounds. After I noticed the sounds I noticed I couldn't see. This has happened before but not this bad. I could 'see' in my head everything but my vision was totally white. Then it felt like my head was moving as if I were looking around and my body started shaking.

I felt like I was in this place, I have been there before, but it's not here. And then it felt like a bad acid trip I started feeling all panicky and trapped then I gasped for air and everything was normal. I looked down and I had dropped the bong while I was 'gone'.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92015
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 26, 2011Views: 3,976
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Cannabis (1) : Unknown Context (20), Difficult Experiences (5)

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