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Temperature and Blood Pressure
Citation:   Dude Crush. "Temperature and Blood Pressure: An Experience with MDMA (exp92125)". Feb 8, 2018.

150 mg   MDMA
MDMA temperature and blood pressure.

I've been using MDMA on and off for 9 years now. Its an amazing substance. In my quest for data, I recently measured blood pressure and body temp prior to dosing, and then T+1:30.

BP before: 127 / 80
Heart Rate before: 64 bpm
Temp before: 98.5 degrees F.

BP T+1:30: 155 / 92
Heart Rate T+1:30: 76 bpm
Temp T+1:30: 98.5 degrees F.

None of this is surprising, just thought I'd share a data-point.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92125
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Feb 8, 2018Views: 1,000
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MDMA (3) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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