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Shaman Vision Level
Salvia divinorum & Cannabis
Citation:   jameshenry. "Shaman Vision Level: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Cannabis (exp9215)". Jul 7, 2004.

T+ 0:00
10 g buccal Salvia divinorum (plant material)
  T+ 0:45 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (plant material)
  T+ 1:00 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (plant material)
  T+ 0:59   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I heard about Salvia being a drug for meditation so I call up a friend for experimentation. We did it ourselves without a sitter thinking that using a quid we had more chance to control it. I soaked the leaves as suggested and prepared my mouth by brushing my tongue and using mouthwash as suggested. We set up the room with a couple of candles and no other light and sat there chewing the quid and placing it under our tongues.

T+15 mins I began to feel relaxed. We found it amusing while having the quids in our mouths we were incomprehensible talking. It may have been due to the effect of the Salvia.

T+30 mins we went for a walk outside and it was then I noticed it more. I was slightly uncoordinated like being drunk. The walk was nice and I very much enjoyed looking at a cactus looking plant on the way back. Then when I started to walk again and right in front of me seemed like a big black void of some sort falling on me for a split second and I felt I had to duck. I would of looked like someone running into a spiderweb at night. Then a power tool in the next flat sounded and got pretty scared. I was lucid enough to know that it wasn't a threat but played along with the inner fear begging to be let inside again.

T+45 mins I thought it would be good to have a cone of it to reach a higher level and after fully inhaling I froze looking at a candle flame. I knew I could move but I didn't want to. After about 2 mins I finally sat down. Then with my eyes closed I moved my arm slowly up my leg then up my body. It felt like I was moving a huge ball of wool like a tidal wave up my body, it was incredible. I was just enjoying the experience for a while then I walked around the flat to find a suitable place to have my visions.

T+1 Hr before I was to settle down I decided on 1 more cone to get me there. This I added a little pot to which I thought would aid a little in the closed eye visuals. Also smoking straight Salvia seemed dirty on my lungs and throat. This froze me even more and blew me away. I felt myself drawn to the candle flame and had to pull myself away before I burnt myself. I then started to talk to the candle flame of which seemed to be unusually tall. I called it Fire Lord and asked it many questions that I would not hear answers to but realize the answer myself. I then slightly staggered to the dark bedroom where I had a chat with the patterns in the curtains which changed form and I was very concerned about a ducks flower hat trying to bite it's own tail in a random curtain pattern.

T+1.15 I felt settled enough to close my eyes and meditate. I encounted people and strange looking beings which would evolve after concentrating thru eye candy. I talked with the beings and still questions asked would yeild no response but I would figure it out after a while. eg Why Kermit wasn't with miss Piggy. He was looking for her because it was rainbow bubble time. I then could hear the power tool again which was incredibly annoying. It disturbed my visions as too when my friend started talking on the phone. I then talked to her as well and found that my talking was very drunken like. I also found myself saying and doing the most inappropiate things, things I'd normally just think as a joke to occupy my mind.

T+1.45 I began to calm down but was still very intoxicated. I started talking to a bunch of candles again about their beauty and my paranoia of their beauty luring me to look at them to burn out my eyes. Seeing a stove element red hot almost made me want to touch it. Which proved to me how this can be dangerous.

T+2 Hrs My friends boyfriend came over and after a little talk with them I was asked to leave by her. Being a good driver in many states I was comfortable to drive home. It does take a lot of concentration and is very dangerous. It is not enjoyable like pot to drive so don't bother trying. After stopping for a very enjoyable ice cream my feeling began to fade slowly over the next couple of hours.

The peak lasted for about 30 mins and is a good time for thought or visions. I wanted to comunicate with things telepathically like fire and vision beings but spoke out loud into a tape to record my visions and what I was saying. This you could do to remind you of the experience. It is also a good laugh to listen back on. You get the most out of it with your own mind. I imagine there are many ways you can explore within your own mind and many journeys to be had much more interesting than if you let too many outside influences in.

I didn't feel sick or have a comedown and felt perfectly fine and a little more wizer feeling the next day even thou I didn't delve into any deep wisdoms on my journey. Just with the smoke it feels like it wouldn't be any good for my lungs more so than pot or tobacco. If you do smoke it I think you should use a 5x to decrease the smoke needed. The quid was bad tasting but well bareable. You should read an infomation sheet on it. It was very valuable to me. It would be a great tool to sort something out in your life I imagine and cool to see your imagination speak to you. Remember all the fun and is in your mind.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9215
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2004Views: 9,586
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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