What I Get Out of It
Citation:   Jameshenry. "What I Get Out of It: An Experience with Cannabis (exp9216)". Erowid.org. Jul 7, 2004. erowid.org/exp/9216

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I Started smoking pot about 3 years ago. I just did it once and said that'll be it. Then I did it again to see what it would be like to be really stoned. Then next month then next fortnight and then next week.
Stating out smoking was a great experience doing many different things stoned. I had to control myself from doing it too often and it was hard to, but valuing my health and not wanting to loose too many brain cells and not die of lung cancer keeps me at a reasonable frequency now about once a month. I think there are so many things you can get out of it if you just get yourself in the right place and time for it.

In my early days of smoking I would love talking with my friends and I'd always end up in hysterics. Driving home would be such a delight with my favourite songs sounding ten times as good and seeming to go for twice as long. Every food tasted twice as good and time seemed to go so slow. I used to enjoy looking at art and making pictures out of random patterns. The world seemed much more interesting and little things a challenge. Life was really fun when ever I was stoned. Talking about old memories with my parents was great too. I would seem to have very insiteful thoughts about the world or smallest of things. I also found that if I closed my eyes I would see patterns and then the patterns would become more complex taking shape and colour used during my early childhood. I would dance really cool and be able to make improvised tunes really easily. Anything sexual is great too. It was also great to watch a good movie or watch a play. These things still happen but I don't have as much interest in them anymore. Most of the time I'd rather do them straight. It showed me a new appreciation of life and I can see how many people chose to be stoned 24/7.

For now it's just a thing to do if I'm going to do something special and I want to enhance it or to have a smoke with someone I've never smokes with before. I also use it to come up with a melody to write a song or help with abstract lyrics. As I do more music writing and playing I will use it as a tool for enjoyment and creativity. I will use it to help solve a problem in the future by gaining another point of veiw. At the moment I don't want to have a smoke for a while and have no desire to so I can enjoy having good lungs.

What I have learnt from smoking pot is that you should share the experience with like minded people. It really makes conversation more intimate. Do what your favourite things are stoned and appreciate another side to them. Create something stoned. Your imagination works overtime when you're stoned. With the right amount of dope it will open your mind to new ideas; you have to find the right balance. It also makes you not want to do much. I'm glad I did it after I was 18 and I was finished growing in body and mind for the most part. I'd love to one day smoke with my dad who doesn't smoke. I believe it is a lot less harmless that alcohol. The thing is that it is a lot easier to smoke every day than to drink everyday. Many people say it leads to harder drugs but it really is the person. Of course people who go on to harder drugs usually start at pot because it is the first available. I would never take heroin, speed, cocaine or any other addictive drug because of respect for my mind and body.

I believe it is a part of life people should experience. With common sense it is no problem. Don't waste your brain cells with un worthwhile experiences. If you have problems smoking cones, smoke small cones. Know the risks of effects and be willing to pay the price and bong on.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9216
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2004Views: 10,739
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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