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Big Drugy for Science
Mucuna pruriens
Citation:   Gareth. "Big Drugy for Science: An Experience with Mucuna pruriens (exp92197)". Nov 29, 2016.

400 mg oral Mucuna pruriens (capsule)
I have been taking Mucuna Pruriens now for about 3 months on and off and what they say about it is true.

Since I have been on it I dream every single night, Vivid Colourful dreams and they are amazing to the extent that I remember almost all of them when I wake up. Not only that but my imagination is also just as clear and vivid. Reports on the internet say that taking L-Dopa in large quantities can lead to visual and audio hallucinations and I believe this.

I have done many years of many kinds of drugs from chemist to street drugs and I know when something will work. Just so that we are on the same grounds here in understanding. . . a few years ago I setup a trip room as I was taking allot of acid back then. It had occurred to me that since I had tried sniffing petrol quite a few times and that petrol was a powerful hallucinogenic in large doses it made me think to try sniffing it on acid. Little to my surprise on just a half a trip with petrol was powerful enough to contort my entire room and so much so that I had to close my eyes and tell myself the acid was gonna wear off in a few minutes but when I closed my eyes the hundred million pictures in cartoon form was flashing on anyway. I survived it.

This is one drug I am scared of hallucinating off because there is no 'High' to it like street drugs (So a little bit of concern for my sanity).


Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92197
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Nov 29, 2016Views: 5,116
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Mucuna pruriens (376) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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