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Dancing With The White Bitch (Poem)
Citation:   Venushakti Velatura. "Dancing With The White Bitch (Poem): An Experience with Cocaine (exp92241)". Erowid.org. Aug 3, 2011. erowid.org/exp/92241

[See also the 2015 follow-up experience report, 'Diary of a Dragon-Chaser']

powdered petroleum crushed blood diamonds
glitter stories of jungle backpacks at nightfall by gunpoint
infinitesimal indiscernable indiscriminating
illogical disinhibitory shards,
they dis-integrate like beatnik cut-up reels
on a powdery cream clean tile bathroom
floor, spattered with the inevitable magenta transparent

she smile so pretty
can't help denying the
meaning o' them sharpened
she eat you
with them hungry
ground crystal eyes
promising a taste of every passion
- and OH does she DELIVER!
a taste, a neverending
craving ever
to more, to more
until the impeccably polished
proofs record each trail of her wistful
wishful fingers, torn red
stains upon your soul

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92241
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Aug 3, 2011Views: 9,348
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Cocaine (13) : Not Applicable (38), Poetry (43), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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