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At Least Tomorrow's Christmas
Citation:   Alexander Edison. "At Least Tomorrow's Christmas: An Experience with 2C-E (exp92262)". Erowid.org. Sep 20, 2011. erowid.org/exp/92262

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00   repeated smoked Cannabis  
For starters I must say that this experience is NOT a guide for an ideal trip. This was my first experience with hallucinogens and I was really taken by surprise by my experiences.
- Please use caution with any drug use!
T-1:00 - I'll start my story at my arrival to my friend Carl's house. Carl and I were going to meet his cousin to hang-out, catch up and smoke some dope. I had told my friend Carl that I had bought some 2C-E from a buddy that I worked with. He was intrigued and wanted to see what it looked like.

Naively after I had bought the substance I put it into a card holder on my wallet. During the few days I had this stored there it obviously busted open. (Mistake #1. Noted)

T+0:00 - He joked about the mess in my wallet and I joked back licking all of the 2C-E out of my wallet. 'See clean again.' The taste of old leather mixed with the odd chemical taste of the 2C-E Wasn't pleasant at all. I didn't throw up at all but i easily could have.

T+0:35 - We showed up at his cousins house. No real effects yet, only placebo feelings brought on by anticipation.

We piled onto the couch in front of the Tv. I don't remember paying much attention to the Tv. My thoughts are scattered at best but this is something I normally struggle with. We begin to chat it up and honestly I almost forgot I even took the 2C-E.

T+1:00 - We get the blunt rolled. 2grams in one wrap twice what we would normally have smoked. I'm really starting to feel high. I just think to myself it's the 2g of pot we smoked. It's at the point I can't sit in a single position. I shift and shift and shift and shift... Nothing helps just as nothing i ate or drank sated the pains in my tummy. The pain wasn't always noticeable but at times it was very overbearing.

T+1:10 - I'm looking down at the binder I broke the weed out onto I see little purple blotches like there was a stain on the binder. I dip my face down really close to it to try to reason what it is. I look at the window thinking that there must be a reflection bouncing onto the binder. I stare back down at the binder and there's a multifaceted static pattern on the binder.

Things start to bombard me with detail it's a total sensory overload. There's an energy coursing throughout me the word I used to describe the feeling was 'Magic' I look to my friend Corey and can't believe what I'm seeing. I know he isn't moving at all but it appears as if he is sliding towards my spot on the couch and I am sliding into his simultaneously. Carl's outline begins to bounce and trailers make it seem as if there are three of him.

I realize now the potential of this drug and how drastically I had underestimated it's effects. Experiences I thought I would see near the plateau were presented to me the second I started feeling my trip.

T+1:30 - The air inside the house is thick and feels uninviting. I feel like I am being judged by the people around me. I step outside for some fresh air to reset. I walk outside and sit on the patio and watch as it snows. The sight is magnificent I feel better now and the intensity of the trip seems to lessen until I feel pretty sober. I stare blankly at a blue jeep parked on the street. The Jeep seems like it's floating 2-3 foot off the ground.

T+1:50 - At peace with the happenings I come back in and sit down. I try to watch Tv with the others but it is all too weird for me. Some trees have purple leaves while the others are normal colored. The Tv has a scene of a wife knocking on a door. She opens the door and the scene changes to show inside the house where there is a man sitting on a couch. As the wife enters the door the man sitting on the couch slides through the door as the wife steps in and back to his original spot on the couch. I can't follow what's happening it's just too weird.

T+2:30 - I hit another patch where I feel sober again. By this time I'm used to the feeling of the 2C-E buzz. Nothing about the buzz is euphoric it isn't a negative feeling either It's just coldly neutral. I begin to call these waves (I counted 26 of these waves). The entertainment center finally lives up to it's name the wood pulses and warps not drastically but it draws my focus each time.

T+4:00 - We leave Carl's cousin's house and he drops me back at my house.

On the way to my house I have many visual trips. I realize a moving car probably is a very chaotic setting to be in. I see trees out the window spring from the ground as if they popped up out of a fold out book. At a red light I see a physical space distortion as I look down a street with a railway. The distortion is like a ghost hill it was there but had no outline or shadow. The hill cuts a path straight towards me until it is under me and disperses. At this moment I get an intense rush that follows the visual.

We get to my place and I assure him I'll be fine. When I get home my mom smells the Marijuana on my clothes... Bummer. No grounding but who wants their mom knowing they're high?

I manage my way up the stairs to my room. My motor function is very poor but I am able to cope and adjust. I sit on my futon and put on some music the first song I choose is by a rock band I usually enjoy. As i listen to the music my mood changes to fit the genre the heavy metal makes me feel dark and demonic. I quickly change it. Next is a techno song my friend had put on a Cd i ripped to my ipod the music literally made me feel like a robot. I decide to turn the music off because i didn't want to get lost in music. No closed eye visuals yet and from what I've already seen I doubt I am ready for them.

T+4:30 - I feel an increase in my heart rate after this I don't remember not feeling my heart beat. At this point I've already experienced an ego loss and begin to do what I do when my mind has nothing to do. I ponder. I think of how different other cultures are even though we are all on the same planet. It's at this moment I blink and realize the closed eye visuals. I see a colored mobile spinning in my head. Each working piece has it's own color. I wonder why. Every question I have seems to have an answer. All of these moving pieces are predetermined events in my life the mobile was the hands of fate. Deep stuff...

T+5:00 - I wake from a hallucination. I honestly thought that my futon was a canoe. I don't know how long i was caught in this thought maybe a fraction of a second but I thought I should be rowing. My walls bulge out towards the center of my room. My thoughts are a trainwreck but they don't stop crashing one over the other. I close my eyes to blink. Blinking feels more like opening my eyes I see columns holding up rows of shelves. On these shelves are every animal I know, don't know, and creatures that aren't so. I feel like I have been gifted this information. At times I feel like I am being tested. These feelings become a motif to the trip I feel like how I answer the test effects what information the trip presents me.

T+5:15 - I make my way back down the stairs. At this time I still have trouble walking around but I feel as if I've gotten my sea legs so to speak.

I make myself something to eat and see that my mom has fallen asleep on the couch. I'm driven to wake her up. I have to apologize for smoking pot. Her hazy state is perfect for me to make my apologies and not seem odd.

The experiences persist for what I roughly estimate is 12hours in total. Roughly being the key word in the sentence. I really lost all track of time even though every second drags on. I couldn't judge the passing of time even if I had a wristwatch.

Not to many other things seemed to have stick with me after the experience. I have a few memories of strange things I've seen.

After effects
After the experience I don't feel as cracked out as I thought I would. I feel a relief down to my inner being a sort of cleansing effect.

After taking 2C-E I can say been there done that. I see no want in further exploration. The neutral feeling and body load are two very negative aspects I find unappealing.

I don't encourage anyone to trip alone, but alone is a setting I did prefer to company.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92262
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 20, 2011Views: 7,477
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2C-E (137) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Various (28)

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