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Love and Awe
Citation:   Gerfinkle. "Love and Awe: An Experience with DMT (exp92270)". Mar 14, 2020.

  vaporized Cannabis (plant material)
    vaporized DMT (powder / crystals)
    vaporized Cannabis (plant material)
First, a brief history. I have done LSD in the past twice and shrooms once before my experience. I had smoked DMT a couple of times previously but didn’t get any effects. For this reason me and a close buddy who had extracted the DMT decided that we were going to use my vaporizer this time. I had heard good things about making a cannabis-DMT sandwich of sorts, so that’s what we decided to do.

We set up on my back porch, which has a wonderful view of the yard and the evergreen trees that surround it. It was early afternoon on a balmy summer day with low humidity; I thought it was the perfect weather for outside tripping. After vaporizing a small bowl of cannabis to take the edge off, my friend (hereby designated as C) packed the DMT on top of the partially vaporized cannabis. He had extracted over 3 grams of it but forgot his scale, so he eyeballed it and sprinkled about a fingernail worth of powder in. C then packed enough cannabis on top of that to completely cover the powder.

The bowl was full, and it was time. After I did some mental fortifying for what was undoubtedly going to be an intense experience, I asked C if he could hold the bowl for me. The vaporizer was set to the highest possible setting and was actually creating heat distortions in the air it was so hot.

The first hit, after around 25 seconds of holding, sent me to the ineffable phase. Here nothing and everything is different; one looks intently at everything but cannot consciously comprehend why it has changed. I coughed pretty hard, but the vaporizer was hitting immensely smoother than any pipe. I could barely taste the burnt rubbery taste of the DMT. Encouraged by the effectiveness of this method and frustrated by the lack of effects, I took a second hit.

My first thought after the second hit was “Oh, so this is DMT” C told me later that I said it out loud. Everything became massively intense on a scale I have never known. The body feeling – I wouldn’t call it a high – was one of sheer intensity. But I had been preparing for this moment for months, and my inner drive was screaming at me to continue, to not give up and just push through. So I took a third toke.

The third toke was what did it. Whereas before visuals were merely ineffable, now they became real. Not like a hallucination on LSD, where one can consciously realize that they are tripping. My mind was completely and totally blown. The most momentous feeling of sheer awe filled me as I gazed around. I remember grabbing my head and staring around in comical fashion at everything, because it was so ridiculous. Just sheer ridiculousness.

At this point C suggested that I close my eyes. I did so, and was greeting with the single most intriguing closed eye visual I had ever gotten. In the center of my mind’s eye/vision (they were one at this point) was a tunnel made of green rectangles, one that wouldn’t look out of place in an early 90’s video game. Surrounding this were these shifting red and orange Aztec symbols. Wanting to go through the tunnel I craned my neck forward to look through, but realized that I simply didn’t have the forward momentum needed to get through. Satisfied, and strangely not disappointed – as though this was exactly how it was meant to be – I opened my eyes again.

I was looking at my own back yard, the one I had seen for literally my entire life, and it looked alien. I looked at the biggest evergreen tree and saw it reaching out to me. Although I first I was slightly defensive, this immediately faded to be replaced by the clear and absolute knowledge that it was trying to hug me, not grab me. I was filled with an overwhelming sense of euphoria and peered closer at the tree in complete childlike wonder. Then I saw the faces. They were smiling outrageously, similar to the :D emoticon or the awesome face smiley. They encompassed everything; indeed, the tree seemed to be made out of them in a fractal way. As in, each face fractal zoomed into another identical face. Their massive grins caused me to grin; I still smile whenever I think about it. They were radiating pure love and consciousness; it was the most unifying experience of my life. Suddenly I had the realization that truly we were all connected; that the base of everything was pure unadulterated love. The only other object I remember looking at was an unlit tiki torch on the edge of the deck; this too had the same smiling fractal quality of the tree.

The come down was pleasant, I felt the most serene feeling of contentment through the rest of the day, and indeed even to the time of writing 3 days later. Once I was afterglowing I helped C take his hits, but his experience is his to share. In retrospect, DMT was one of if not the single most religious experience of my life, and I am a non-churchgoing atheist.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92270
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 14, 2020Views: 701
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DMT (18) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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