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Almost Killed Me
Methadone & Morphine
Citation:   Twistiburger. "Almost Killed Me: An Experience with Methadone & Morphine (exp92358)". Feb 22, 2016.

10 mg oral Morphine
  1 tablet oral Methadone
  1 tablet oral Methadone
I have a heart problem which causes me pain at times. I was feeling very ill with chest pain so went to one of my local E.R.s.

They gave me morphine which they usually do and admitted me to watch me and do blood work etc. I was given I believe 10mg (not really sure) in pill form once I was in my had been a few hours waiting for one and I was having some major pain again.

After they gave me the methadone after a bit I was totally out of it. I couldn't focus or even figure out how to change the tv with the remote. I was in and out of it or so it felt, my memory was shot too. My blood pressure dropped to 60/40 and they had to call the Rapid Response Team in case I quit breathing or my B.P. Dropped lower. They also had to give me Narcan to bring me out of it. After given that I was able to talk and interact with the hospital staff for awhile but would 'leave' again shortly after and again the Rapid Response Team was called because of dangerous blood pressure etc.

One pill wasn't enough so they gave me another (thinking it would affect me differently the second time?) Well it was a repeat of the earlier results. I was completely out of my head and couldn't even talk on the phone when my husband called. I told him to bring me a bucket to drown the monkeys, I was later told.

It goes without saying some people do well on Methadone for pain but some (me) just can't take it without it nearly killing them... the nurses later told me that if my B.P. wouldn't have gone up some that I really could have died....scary stuff!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92358
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Feb 22, 2016Views: 3,184
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Methadone (166) : Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Hospital (36)

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