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Very Intense
Ketamine, Piracetam & Cannabis
Citation:   Sbs88. "Very Intense: An Experience with Ketamine, Piracetam & Cannabis (exp92443)". Erowid.org. Sep 12, 2011. erowid.org/exp/92443

  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  800 mg oral Piracetam (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis  
The day before yesterday I had my first ketamine experience. Since my mid-teens I've experimented with a wide array of substances, including at least 20-25 psychedelic encounters with mushrooms and LSD, combined with cannabis and sometimes benzo's or mdma. Most of these were quite intense and some even life-changing to a certain degree, but none as overwhelming as this one.

I had been interested in ketamine for quite some time, and out of the blue my weed supplier (lets call him R) told me he could acquire some. I originally planned to buy a whole gram so I could try it with friends during an mdma session, because I understood these substances go very well together. Shortly after I recieved a message that there was none available for purchase, but that I could get a free sample. I recieved a ziplock baggie containing a small amount of white powder, and was told to snort it all at once.

I knew ketamine to be very potent, and you're supposed to try small bumps at first. When I emptied the bag onto a cd case, it looked like at least two fat lines (in terms of cocaine for example)- certainly not a small quantity for a first timer. Now, its been observed by several drug veterans that I have an impressive (or annoying) tolerance when it comes to all sorts of uppers and downers, even if its my first time or despite the fact that its only once every few months that I take something stronger than weed.

With this in mind I decided to try a smaller amount first; whether R was taking my natural resistance to drugs into account or was just fucking with me, I wasnt about to humor him. I started by separating about a third of the powder, making it into two small lines of approximately 2 centimeters. Up my nose it went.

At this point I remembered that I had taken piracetam in the morning (800 mg), and after looking up some information on how they might interact (piracetam counteracts dissociatives) I started to think I might be wasting the ketamine.

Shortly after this, however, I started to feel dissociated. It wasnt very strong, but my vision and movement were definitely affected. I was trying to decide whether to lie down but my thoughts seemed to disrupt themselves constantly. Finally I got myself into action, and started to arrange a comfortable setup by putting the laptop next to the couch, getting a blanket, etc. I selected some Goa trance and smoked a joint. During this time I noticed my thoughts were increasingly disorganised, like at the start of a mushroom trip. The overall effects werent very strong but so far they were pleasant- I decided that if I wanted to feel the intended effect I would have to take the rest.

I arranged the rest of the K, which was about 2 to 3 times more than what I had already ingested. The drip which had previously bothered me quite a lot, faded into a numb tickle at the back of my throat. I put the music on and lied on the couch.

Like many substances, there was no point where I felt it 'coming up'- suddenly I just realised I was tripping balls. The computer screen and the room behind it looked completely foreign (especially since most of the time my whole visual perception was blurring and melting into itself and my senses seemed interchangable, all of this very stroboscopic and accompanied by a choppy buzzing distortion of sound) until I recognised the words 'goa trance', and remembered that this is music designed for tripping. Then I remembered that I had ingested ketamine, and I distinctly recall thinking 'this is what you asked for' which at the moment seemed pretty scary.

What I remember after that is difficult to describe. Overall it was like my thoughts and senses were put into a blender. At some times it was mostly tactile; a feeling like I was stretched out, liquified, falling, etc. But when I opened my eyes and saw the room and tried to comprehend what was happening to me, I had the feeling I was barely hanging on to my own sanity.

During one of these moments I realised I still had my 'inner observer', which was a good sign. On the other this made me realise what kind of state I was in; my inner observer was telling me I probably went way too far this time. I tried to enjoy the chaos, but the buzzing, echo-like sensation (much like nitrous oxide) wasnt enjoyable at all. I recall taking off my headphones and looking at my door, and hearing the footsteps and voices of my housemates. The idea of communicating with other humans seemed impossible, and in my state of confusion I started to wonder if I had been making strange sounds, and what it would be like if someone opened my door. Since this was my first experience with a strong dissociative, to me it seemed very possible that I would be stuck in this deranged state of mind.

Needless to say I didnt get stuck, and I came to my senses about two hours after my first ingestion. The confusion was gone, but the buzzing sensation and motion sickness were far from comfortable. At a certain point, R sent a message to my phone asking how it went; I was barely capable of crawling to my desk, dropping the phone onto the floor and just staring at the vibrating piece of plastic before crawling back. When these effects finally wore off however, for the rest of the evening I felt refreshed and content.

All in all the experience wasnt nearly as enjoyable or profound as the experiences I've had with mushrooms and LSD. But it was certainly far more intense- it was the first time that I forgot who I was and what I was doing, and also the first time that I felt so disconnected from reality I feared it might never be the same again. My main disappointment was that I expected some nice visuals- which turned out to be more like the visual component of a all-round mind-fuck.

In retrospect, the problem might actually have been that I was semi-aware of what was happening and might have had a better time if I just completely slid into the void. Maybe the piracetam prevented me in doing this. I certainly know that the scary part was that the whole thing was out of my control- unlike a shroom/acid experience which can be steered in a certain direction when I have some experience. It could also be that I just hate dissociatives.

At the moment where I was coming to my senses I thought to myself: 'good thing I didnt buy an entire gram of this shit'- but I will probably try it again under better circumstances (probably by myself again, but no piracetam, comfortably in bed after dark, and with a larger amount so I can afford to build it up with small bumps).
What I did get from this trip is a new respect for the delicacy of human perception; despite my previous experiences with hallucinogens I was scared shitless by how fast and how easily I had plunged myself into a state of complete chaos.

[Reported Dose: '100-300 mgs']

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92443
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Sep 12, 2011Views: 8,139
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Ketamine (31) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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