Really Happy Stuff
Citation:   clemmys. "Really Happy Stuff: An Experience with MET (exp92520)". Jun 4, 2021.

10 - 100 mg   MET (powder / crystals)
When it was available I was very excited as it was one carbon away from dimethyltryptamine, so it had to be good. I also was able to acquire freebase form so that it could easily be vaporized, which was the only route used except intramuscular injection once. MET by itself is not the groundbreaking material that DMT is, but really shines in combination with other substances, particularly betaketones and PEAs.

Thought I finished my supply a very long time ago, I can still recollect that experiences consisted of a happy euphoria, some convoluted thought patterns, mild OEVs, strong CEVs, mild stimulation and enhancement of libido. Visuals were always very shaded and dark, less the blazing colors of DMT or total lack of visuals of 5-meo-DMT. Effects lasted about 30 minutes with about a 5 minute peak, and even at 100 mg, I never broke through into anything resembling a scary DMT or 5meoDMT space.

I considered MET like an icing for which to top off other psychedelics and empathogens. The short duration of action meant that it wasn't a big commitment but still provided a pleasant psychedelic experience. It was comforting using this tryptamine that I couldn't accidentally break through into a ++++.
It was comforting using this tryptamine that I couldn't accidentally break through into a ++++.
If I wanted that, I would use 5meoDMT or DMT, and in both cases a little too much could make the experience stressful. MET was never stressful.

IM injection had a slightly longer onset time to smoking, with a few minutes of lag time to onset of effects and a slightly longer duration of effect; the trial was 50 mg.

Overall, when vaporized this is a versatile and very pleasant substance that many did not appreciate while it was around because it is mild, friendly, and subtle in some of its effects and not orally active at reasonable doses. I greatly miss this molecule and hope to encounter it someday again.

Exp Year: 2005-2007ExpID: 92520
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jun 4, 2021Views: 1,112
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MET (381) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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