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Fluent Body Rush and Colors
Citation:   Cory New. "Fluent Body Rush and Colors: An Experience with MDA (exp92562)". Feb 28, 2017.

250 mg insufflated MDA (powder / crystals)
MDA First Time Experience

So I have heard of it before but never really thought it was much. MDA. It never really rang any bells in my head but one day when I finished turning some weed for my friend and re upping on marijuana, is when he told me he had this stuff called sassafrass. Everybody was raving about it and how great it was. They explained it as 'the roll of your life'. Which to people in the US means total ecstasy.

Sooo me having a little extra pocket money from the profit of the pot I decided to buy a half gram of it from him at the price of $10 a point. 5 points, thats a half g. It was in the form of a very dense, dark sticky sand like ball. I was on 6mg of xanax that night so I decide to save my little suprise for the morning, and ohh was it a suprise.

So I woke up the next morning from a very deep sleep, partly because I was tired and mostly because of the 6mg of xanax that was in my body the night before, but I got to waking up and I looked inside my little stash spot and I see a little 1 inch by 1 inch batman bag sitting there with the ball of MDA. So quickly remembering what happened the night before with me buying this sassafrass from my friend I decided to give it a whirl. So I took out my scale and weighed out exactly 2.5 points of this dark sticky sandlike stuff and cut it up as fine as I could with a razor and then shaved off about a point of BC headache powders (which is just like over the counter headache relievers) and mixed the powder with the sassafrass, with the razor making the MDA brown sticky material mix in with the BC powders and create a fine brown powder. I snorted the powder.

About I want to say 20 min later it was like a whole different world. I really can't describe it other than rolling on about 2 or 3 good ecstasy tablets with a more fluent body rush and more colors (believe it or not). One really big thing I loved about the experience is that the drug allowed my body to eat and sleep like normal. Unlike the shitty comedown of ecstasy or molly (MDMA powder) MDA or sassafrass has no comedown whatsoever. I really can't describe a better euphoric feeling other than rolling my balls off on MDMA, with shitty comedown of course haha. It has definitely been an experience that I will never be able to forget.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92562
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Feb 28, 2017Views: 2,710
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MDA (34) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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