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The City in the Dome
Citation:   Shaman snow. "The City in the Dome: An Experience with DMT (exp92566)". Jun 10, 2021.

1 hit smoked DMT
At 8:22 I sit in a bug tent staring at the orange crystals of DMT packed in a pipe before me. With no doubts in my mind I hit the bowl breathing in as much smoke as my lungs could contain. Holding in the bad tasting substance my vision shakes forcing me to exhale while coughing. Then I’m no longer in reality but walking on a path pasting robed figures on both sides. These people are staring at the ground like I am so I look up. Before me an amber/gold eye stands in front of me with the pupil spinning shapes. I stand amongst thousands of robed figures the only one not staring at the ground. The eye approaches me growing bigger so it can open and past me through.

Upon going through I am in a massive dome too big for any normal human being to see all at once. On the floor an endless amount of different architecture from the ages of the buildings. As if skyscraper could fit in medieval castles with water ways and roads. But these buildings were dark, soul-less covered in a brown eerie fog. As mighty as the city was the size just didn’t compare to the height of the dome. This city spanned to the size of a New York city x5 seeing it from birds eye view. At the core of the city the same eye I saw lay like a large foot ball stadium.

The eye opens as a large creature rushes up filling the dome with its torso. Easily the biggest object I’ve ever seen reaching out massive arms of glowing hues of blue. Almost saying “here I am, I arrived” as I wondered was this me? From its cubed like head waves of structured lighting flow out with all the colors of the rainbow. I watch this broadcast of color with amazement; simply beautiful.

Something was happening this light being began to extend its right arm at the ceiling. Its hand summon a reaction from the top of the gray dome that shift to a gold color. Strange even at the time watching solid stone build up as if to fall like a rain drop. Making the separation the droplet known to me as the “Ark” flowed down in a gold glow to the creatures hand. As soon as it made contact the Ark turned into a flower with a bulb of a heart.

Which was the last thing I saw in the dome before I was staring at a stain glass window. On the borders black plant life wave in a pinkish yellow ocean. Strange colored fish float in this murky water above the glass. Looking down two faceless beings of white sit across the green table with me. They have no texture to there body not even the slightest wrinkle. In a low deep voice they say in sync “Accept Ayahuasca, It has many teachings to show you”.

With that I was back in this reality my friends looking at me saying “you took a really big hit”. Still seeing fish like creatures floating by I reply “You have no idea”.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92566
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 10, 2021Views: 625
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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