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No Dreams That I Can Remember
Cannabis & Melatonin
Citation:   Greshapa. "No Dreams That I Can Remember: An Experience with Cannabis & Melatonin (exp92588)". Nov 17, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis
  1.5 mg oral Melatonin
    smoked Melatonin
    vaporized Cannabis - High THC
I have been smoking Cannabis every day for 3 now months and one of the drawbacks I have found is that I no longer dream. I decided to try a Melatonin supplement after reading about it on a web forum. I used 5mg Melatonin pills. I decided against taking the entire pill after doing some research and finding most people agree that small 1mg doses are just as effective as 5mg.

T+0:00 At about 8:30PM I vaporized about .3g Cannabis. This is a fairly small amount for me, barely enough to catch a buzz.

T+0:45 Drove to store and bought the melatonin. I cut a pill in the car and ate roughly 1/8th of the pill since I knew I was going to sleep soon.

T+1:00 At home I smoked another 1/8th of the pill, powdered, on top of a small cannabis bud to keep it from being inhaled. I have not found any evidence that smoking this does anything, but people online have tried it and I figured I may as well.

T+1:10 Vaporized about .1g of “keif”, which can be made by grinding marijuana over a screen to only get the crystals. Very potent, it gets me fairly high. I turn the lights out and go to bed after this.

T+2:10 After laying in bed for an hour, unable to fall asleep (which is normal for me), I decided to take another 1/4th pill. I fall asleep about 10-20 minutes after doing so. It probably was not the pill that put me to sleep though. I felt no differences while falling asleep.

T+3:00-4:00 Woke up briefly to get a drink from the kitchen, immediately fell back asleep when I returned to bed.

T+ 9:30 Woke up at 6PM, I felt extremely awake, refreshed and not groggy at all. I felt much better this morning than probably in years.

Unfortunately, the experience gave me no dreams that I can remember. Before I began smoking weed I could recall many of my dreams in the morning.

I will not continue to use melatonin on a daily basis as it can disrupt sleep cycles if used too much. But I do plan to take it on occasions when I have to be up early in the morning. I will continue to use cannabis as well.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92588
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Nov 17, 2020Views: 579
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