The Seven Levels
Citation:   Jimispal. "The Seven Levels: An Experience with Cannabis (exp92642)". Jan 26, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
    oral Cannabis (edible / food)
So, the night I had been looking forward to for weeks. The first time I would smoke in a month.

Let me put this all into context first: I have had plenty intense visual hallucinations on weed before. At least 8. I had quit because I found myself smoking rather than living, not what I want to do. So I took a break, and I still don’t keep it in the house. I was at a friend’s house that I always have had the best experiences with. No matter the substance, he somehow makes a bad trip good, a good trip great, and a great trip mind blowing. Another good friend of mine was there, I had yet to really trip with him, but I trust him and have had a lot of fun with him, so I was sure he would add fun as well.

So, we had had about 4 grams of salvia each earlier that day, but that was uneventful. We watched a movie, ate, went for a walk and then settled in. We had a large, strong brownie each. More than enough to get us buzzed. We got onto YouTube and waited for the onset. I got impatient, got up, picked up a few supplies and came back with a loaded bong. I mean a stuffed so full it was hard to take the first pull loaded. With medical grade (seriously, as in straight from the dispensary) stuff. We smoked that all. Then we loaded another of white rhino, but less full this time around. I thought I would just have a little fun, then be buzzed for hours. I could not have been more wrong.

I have a firm belief that Jimi Hendrix’s Electric Ladyland is the greatest trip track ever, and always insist on playing it when high. I was so far gone by the end of the bowl that I forgot how my eyes worked, let alone that I could hear music. I was so messed up that I doubt LSD could beat what I saw, and I know shrooms never will. The first half hour, roughly, is a blur now 2 weeks later. All I know for sure is that I became a dinosaur, a dragon and an elf. That is by what I was saying in the video my second friend took, not by memory. Now, the most intense part I can remember, and I know this because of my face in the video just screamed “SHIT MY MIND IS BEING BROKEN AND IT IS AWESOME”. I stared at a poster of Jimi Hendrix, which was appropriately psychedelic. The neon waves and patterns swallowed me whole, I took a deep breath and dove into what I guessed was the chasm of time.
The neon waves and patterns swallowed me whole, I took a deep breath and dove into what I guessed was the chasm of time.
As it turns out, it was some pantheistic/Hindu/trippy Heaven. I saw all the gods. All of them, and they welcomed me. Jimi then took me in his arms and carried me off into space, and took me out farther than humans were ever aware of. There I saw a tower, with seven distinct levels. Each spinning and morphing on its own. I saw humans at the third level, and the gods I had met at the seventh. I knew they were the levels of awareness of the universe, and how it worked. It was stunning and beautiful. Jimi told me to be careful not to hit the earth too hard, and I got a second to brace myself for a dip in intensity. I turned to my friend, grinning and said “there are seven levels” unable to explain what of or where or anything. Yes, I did subconsciously steal that from Paul McCartney.

The rest was as close to coming down as I got. I still had nearly as intense visuals, but the fact that we switched to the Beatles instead of Hendrix means that I was much more grounded. But I still had enough left to start to teach my friends about Lenny the Goblin, who had somehow parasitically moved into my ass. Great, I had an ass goblin, now if someone asks what’s up my ass I can say “Lenny the Goblin, Bitch!” I also gained a great look at him and all his multi-colored beauty. I came down enough to understand someone asking me if I wanted to watch The Big Leboski, and I did. By the time “the man in me” by Bob Dylan came on about 20 min in, I was up again, and somehow ended up across the room half naked by the time I was brought down enough by my friends for them to ask if I was still here, which I was, if I was ok, which I really was, and if I wanted to sleep, which I really did. I hadn’t moved but 10 feet all night, but I had gone miles in my mind, and I needed to sleep it off. Thus, the best trip of my life ended.

This really is the best I can remember it. I know, most people report mild visuals at best, but I have never had just mild visions. I don’t know if I’m hyper sensitive to THC, or if the fact that I’m normally fairly imaginative makes me this way, but I know I am an outlier, but I love that. I find shrooms fail to top this, as does salvia. This attaches a certain risk to smoking, but I have learned how to deal, and I can let my mind wander across the universe safely with this, and that is so great.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92642
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Jan 26, 2018Views: 1,047
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Cannabis (1) : Sex Discussion (14), Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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