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Should've Called Poison Control Bro
Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Diamond Dove') & Alcohol
Citation:   ilovethagreenery. "Should've Called Poison Control Bro: An Experience with Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Diamond Dove') & Alcohol (exp92698)". Jan 6, 2012.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard
  2 hits smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
I was at a party with my girlfriend and I did not have any bud, so I bought some synthetics called 'Diamond Dove'. I arrived at the party and I started to drink some vodka. I was drunk and had ran out of alcohol. I wasnt satisfied of how fucked up I was so I took out my Diamond Dove and packed a bowl. I had only taken 2 hits and about 10 seconds later I had felt the following:

-my heart beat was 3 beats per second, at 180bpm, 2nd degree hypertension.

-I was leaning sideways when walking and all sounds echoed strongly

-my vision would pulse everytime my heart beated

-my vision was extremely swirly like a horizontal S and moved not stop like a wave.

-my reaction time a about 5 seconds

-I collapsed on the balcony against the railing and was in aw when looking at everyone staring at me

-many people tried to help me but I kicked them away because I thought they were going to kill me

-I was screaming at the top of my lungs 'go away!'

-my speech was slurred to where it would only be mumbles and grunts (I was actually trying to say a full sentence)

-I had sat on the railing for about 15 to 30 mins

-when my girlfriend tried for 15 mins to get me up and to the car so she could help

-when I had gotten up I fell again

-eventually she got me up and literally was holding my whole body up

-I punched her in the face leaving her with a black eye (she told me that the next morning because I did not remember)

-I passed out in the car

-woke up in the car near my house with my best friend in the drivers seat

-I tried with all I had to just move my arm and when I did I threw up from the movement

-I got the bed spins in the car and passed out again.

- 2hrs had passed and my heart rate had not decreased

- I had a seizure (yes a real seizure) and my friend had to help me

-they had spent 30 mins to get me out of the car but I would refuse.

-stumbled inside and luckily no one was home

- passed out on my bed

-woke up and I did not remember a single thing (not exaggerating, and my memory had come to me weeks later)

The day after that night I had gone out with my friends and smoked more, geeking about what had happened. You can never stop a true stoner from smoking.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92698
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 6, 2012Views: 10,794
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472), Alcohol - Hard (198) : Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Large Group (10+) (19)

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