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Warning Research Before Trying
5-MeO-DMT & Methoxetamine
Citation:   annon. "Warning Research Before Trying: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT & Methoxetamine (exp92710)". Sep 2, 2011.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 5-MeO-DMT (capsule)
  T+ 2:02 25 mg insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
I am an semi experienced with drugs and I normally know my limits and try not to test them. I have done many compounds including some DMT compounds and dissociating drugs, although I have never tryed these compounds before. I have been clean of all drugs for 1 month and am excited to do 5-MeO-DMT and have read up on it for about a week prior.

T- 2:00) Eric invites me to try Methoxetamine and I politely accept if he does it first unknowing what the drug does.

T 0:00) we take 20mg of 5-MeO-DMT in capsules and play botchy ball with Eric and Drew while we wait.

T 0:30) Eric and I are starting to feel the effects. It includes excitement and laughter.

T 0:45) all of us can feel and see the effects well, botchy ball becomes harder and harder to keep score and we get worse and worse but it becomes twice as fun. There is a storm coming in but everything seems brighter than ever and my vision was waving.

T 1:00) we quit playing botchy because the storm was here. We went inside and talked while we looked at the stucco. Talking becomes a little more difficult

T 2:00) the trip is starting to come down so Eric pulls out the Methoxetamine (which I have not studied) and takes a bump roughly 25mg (he fails to tell me that he has a high tolerance because of previous experiences with ketamine)

T 2:02) Eric seems fine just tripping a little harder and offers me 25mg and I accept. Once in my nose it runs immediately I am expecting to wait 2-10 minutes for anything to happen.

T 2:03) I am very disoriented and feel like my arms are losing blood. If this were it would be an ok trip.

T 2:04) I am completely out of it my arms are clenching without me trying to as if I’m being tazered. I could only think one thing at this point “I’m going to pass out I better tell them” I let “I’m going to pass out” out of my mouth seconds later I am out. Roughly 15 seconds later I wake shocked to Eric’s dog jumping on me I am sweating profusely so I take my sweater off.

T 2:05) I get Drew to grab me copious amounts of water to drink as I blow my nose and try and swallow the chemical at the back of my nose. I am now shivering and my body aches, so I put my sweater back on and get covered with a blanket.

T 2:10) I feel way better than I did 5 minutes ago after joking about what happened and drinking roughly 2L of water. Still tripping we hang out for a few hours.

T 4:00) I am ready to go home slightly high no visuals I get home and get to rest.

T 1day) I’m slightly sick with a sore thought and stuffy nose although I’m unsure if it was the drugs that got me there

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92710
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 2, 2011Views: 7,527
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5-MeO-DMT (58), Methoxetamine (527) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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