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I Did It All Fro Science
Citation:   Jesus Raves. "I Did It All Fro Science: An Experience with Methylone (exp92823)". Apr 18, 2018.

Methylone and Home Drug Tests

Real Title: 'I did it all fro Science'

I have used Methylone regularly for more than a year now, and have to say it is an Enlightening and seemingly safe chemical with many uses, including--but not limited to--weight loss and PTSD treatment.

Now here is some REALLY useful and original info you dudes can use:

For an experiment, I bought one of those super expensive multi-panel home-use illegal drug tests from Rite aid and tested myself the day after a Methylone trip.

Methylone showed up as Ecstasy, Methamphetamine, and Amphetamine.

(Say it now: 'Doh!')

As far as Methylone use, I have found--for me--that taking Methylone alone brings out the speed aspect of it, while mixing it with the JWH line brings out the Ecstasy aspect, especially when freebasing large amounts of JWH. JWH also made the Methylone Psychosis (which I found very manageable compared to the psychosis induced by other drugs known to induce psychosis) more psychotic. So take care.

Love, peace!


P.S. Methylone also inspired me to name my firstborn child 'Science.' Yes, you may steal that name, unless you plan to put your child in Catholic school with mine (if and when I have a child).

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92823
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Apr 18, 2018Views: 1,449
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Methylone (255), Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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