Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Spasms Out of Body
Citation:   plurchild. "Spasms Out of Body: An Experience with LSD (exp92930)". Jun 16, 2020.

T+ 2:45
1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 0:00   oral LSD (liquid)
Decided to take a trip while at a festival over the weekend. Psychedelic bands for 3 days made for the perfect experience.

1:15pm- Was given a dose of some liquid LSD. This was the end of the doses. People had been licking the cap, and we had just put a tiny amount of alcohol in the container to push out the LSD that was stuck to the side. In other words, free LSD, no one thought we were going to trip from it.

3:00pm- still have felt no effects. Figured the shit was done for, and went on a quest to find some blotter.
3:30pm- still haven't found good blotter. Contemplating finding more boomers.
3:40pm- stumble across the river. Kept insisting to friends that we saw a stork. Upon investigation, the stork was actually just a broken lawnmower...
4:00pm- ate a wonderful ganja rice krispy treat. Strongest thing I've ever ate. The thing probably had enough for 4 people.
4:35pm- relaxing by the bonfire, trying to find some people with blotter.

4:50pm- all of a sudden, the area starts spinning. I'm getting crazy visuals of the trees circling around and everything around the trees looks like it's getting drawn with a paint brush (reminded me of a Bob Ross painting).
5:00pm- go in the tent. Trying to figure out wtf is going on. I begin questioning if the rice kripsy treats contained shrooms as well. However, no one else is tripping from the treats, so I'm still a bit confused.
5:15pm- laying down in the tent and I feel streams of light wash up my entire body and surround me. I notice my eyes begin moving around super fast as my body moves to the beat of the music.
5:30pm- The liquid LSD has actually worked and it has kicked in. Never have I waited over 4 hours for a trip to begin!
5:40pm- decide to try to hula hoop. Taught myself 4 new tricks I didn't know earlier, go figure.
6:00pm- turned off my phone and put it away. From here on out, I am OUT OF MY MIND.

I lay back down in the tent and begin getting a feel of the music. My body begins to spasm. It begins at my knees. I bend my knees and they turn into jelly. It moves up my body and my back and spine begin to turn to jelly. My arms then spasm out from the sides and begin waving around as my neck and head follows the feel of the music.

I can see myself above my body, looking at it spasm.
I can see myself above my body, looking at it spasm.
The tent begins to grow bigger and I begin to roll around, while still watching myself from above. I get up and dance around the tent, and by now the music feels like it is completely inside me and I'm the one conducting it.

I head towards the music. I walk from my tent to the stage. The trees and people stay still. I can see them lightly swaying, but so far-no visuals in my peripheral vision. However, as I stare down towards the stage I am seeing visuals from the lights. The lights are engulfing the stage, and a spaceship is beginning to land on top of the stage tent. As I walk closer, the road keeps extending, and gets longer and longer. I feel like I'm never going to make it.

Once I get up front, I begin to dance around. I can no longer see myself from above, but as I dance I get a sense of floating. I float around the stage until I wander towards a tree. I begin to lay down and continue listening to the music.

My body begins spasming again. I watch myself from above and I see my body twist and turn as I feel my bones move around and eventually turn to mush. I continue to do this until my bones feel like they are in the correct place again. I then re-enter my body and walk back towards the tent.

I lay down and see colors radiating from the top of the tent. A bright red surrounds the outside of the tent, and a wheel of color begins spinning above my head. I watch these visuals until the end of my trip.

My friend came in the tent around 4am, and I was just then coming down and going to sleep.

It's now 2:04 pm the following day. My pupils are no longer dilated but my arms and legs feel disconnected. Whenever I move them around I move them and then see them move again. I filmed myself moving, and I appear to be moving normally (according to the video) but I feel myself repeating all movements a good 3-5 times.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92930
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 16, 2020Views: 630
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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