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Citation:   GoodbyeBlueSky. "Uncomfortable: An Experience with 2C-I (exp92931)". Aug 30, 2016.

  smoked Cannabis  
  10 mg insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
I love psychedelics.
I started experimenting with them in high school, and though I'm only in my early 20s now, I can't foresee a time in my future where I will move on and lose my desire to trip.

It's been too long since have been able to find my favorite vice, LSD. I have been looking for a long time. I have one hit of blotter that I have been saving for the 'right time'.

I feel like this small square of paper hidden in a desk drawer is always on my mind. I have found myself on a rainy, boring weekend, lovingly opening that drawer and gazing longingly at that little square.

I am an artist, and most of my artwork is trip-based. Lately, I have been running short on ideas, it has become harder and harder to just let myself go and create. It's been frustrating, and I feel that I am long overdue for a deep, beautiful experience to inspire my artwork
I feel that I am long overdue for a deep, beautiful experience to inspire my artwork
--but yet can't bring myself to eat my blotter. Not yet.

So when a friend (we'll call him Jeff) told me that he got ahold of some 2c-I and 2c-E, i was ready to go. I had never tried either, but I had a friend who compared 2c-e to a wonderful acid trip. My boyfriend and I just bought a house, and we are still in the process of moving in. It's a big house and was totally empty save for a few boxes--a setting that I know is awesome for tripping. So we sat around waiting, along with another friend, Kevin, who has never tried psychedelics but was just as excited as I was for what was coming.

Jeff came over around 10PM, with three 10mg packets of 2c-i, but no 2c-e which was a little disappointing from the get go. We were bbq-ing, so we ate some food, smoked some weed, then started to talk about what was to come.

We discussed if we should ingest them orally or rail them. Jeff let us know he wasn't going to be tripping with us, which meant that me, my boyfriend, and Kevin all got 10mg each. I had heard that snorting the stuff was a little bit shorter trip, and considering the late hour figured that was the way to go. I have done a lot more drugs in general than either of the guys, so they all followed my lead.

The burning was incredible. My sinuses and throat were on fire, my eyes wouldn't stop watering. I lost track of time almost immediately.

The effects set on quickly. Around 20 minutes in (I think) I started to feel light headed and tingly. I couldn't settle down. The burning was still unreal. I blew my nose over and over, and even tried snorting water to cool down my sinuses. Finally I went upstairs and got popsicles for everyone. It just felt like the right thing to do. They helped immensely, though my sense of taste was completely gone. Kevin and the boyfriend said the same thing. They couldn't taste anything. I closed my eyes and got a flash of myself as a cartoon character. This brief moment proved to be almost the only visuals I experienced in the whole 'trip', closed eyes or otherwise.

I got up and started walking around. I wanted to tear my skin off. I was so itchy and tingly, but with none of the pleasure I had been expecting. The guys were playing video games, which I didn't really understand. I put my headphones on and started listening to some trippy music to try to get into the groove of things, because at this point I was just feeling incredibly uncomfortable. I sat down with a pencil and started trying to draw.

Normally when I'm hallucinating, ideas and drawings come easily to me, and though they may look like crap the next day, they are ideas in progress. Nothing really came to me this time. I felt like I was forcing my hand to create and it felt wrong. I got up and put down the pencil. This morning when I looked at my sketchbook, I had drawn some really creepy faces which I didn't remember too clearly.

I felt so itchy and gross. I really just wanted to lay down in my room with the lights off and listen to music, but for some reason it seemed like a bad idea. Jeff left and the two other guys were alone in front of the TV. For some reason it felt wrong to leave them alone. I felt oddly responsible for both of them.

I sat down in front of the TV with them. All the sudden everything was hilarious. It was about an hour or two in at this point. We have a ledge behind our TV that my cat kept walking back and forth on, walking behind the TV and coming out the other side. I found this so funny, I was laughing and
completely out of control. I couldn't breath, and tears were streaming down my face. I went and picked up my cat but was immediately terrified to hold him. I just kept thinking about how much I loved him and how I was freaked out I was going to accidentally hurt him. I put him down.

I went upstairs into the kitchen again, immediately thirsty. Since all our dishes were still packed, I couldn't find a glass. I filled a bowl with water and drank out of it.

I went back downstairs again, still so uncomfortable in my skin. I laid down on the couch. We were watching comedy central. It was the Roast of Donald Trump. It was hilarious. All the sudden I felt really tired. This was probably 3 or 4 hours in. I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later to the guys
screaming in laughter to some other show. Kevin had claimed he didn't feel anything, but no one who was sober would have been laughing like he was.

The effects were pretty much worn off by this point. It was about 4 AM. An hour or so later, I went to bed. I put my headphones back on, sorely disappointed by the whole night. I put on Pink Floyd (cliche I know) to try to maybe feel or see SOMETHING.

I got comfortable in my bed next to my boyfriend, who was seriously in a bad mood for some reason. I closed my eyes. As I drifted off, I saw some minor closed-eye visuals of something that looked like blue sand swirling around some tall figures walking through a desert. The visual seemed fuzzy, like I was tuning in and out of a TV channel with bad reception. I fell asleep. I woke up around 12:30 PM this morning.

My sense of disappointment is very great.
My sense of disappointment is very great.
I am considering eating my blotter tomorrow to compensate for my extreme sense of let-down I feel today.

I won't do 2c-I again. I will spend my money on REAL psychedelics.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92931
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Aug 30, 2016Views: 1,449
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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