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Transcendence Into Eternity
Citation:   Taylor. "Transcendence Into Eternity: An Experience with LSD (exp93032)". Feb 23, 2016.

2 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
It was everything--all that was and is and will be: Eternity. To say that I had transcended into another dimension would be hopelessly inadequate. To even attempt to convey the experience in words is unreasonable in itself.

It started as I began to view each person as their own cognitive being, equally a part of the greater machinery of an interconnected universe. I was able to see everything from the least possible biased perspective, taking into account all interpretations of the moment as it was and using them to form an ultimate quintessential representation of reality. Then, as I turned away from this essence of physical nature, I stared off into a great abyss that enveloped not only myself but the entire spirit of Being. Everything seemed to spiral into a massive force of utterly virtuous existence. I was lost, captivated, mesmerized as the concept of life overcame all that was.

Soon after 'snapping out' of this hypnotic state I broke down under the rawness of actuality. I was not able to stand nor comprehend my identity as a single manifestation. Tears not of sadness nor of fear but tears of incomprehensible peace and joy drowned all formerly existing impurities.

I had lost all sense of who I was or when it was or where I was. I was asking questions like, 'What is my name? What day is it?'
I had lost all sense of who I was or when it was or where I was. I was asking questions like, 'What is my name? What day is it?'
As soon as I heard the answer to each question, it made sense and I moved on to ask the next one. Soon I was able to gather my composure and see the situation objectively.

It seemed as if the entire universe had flipped upside down; my purpose, everything I was ever meant to be, was now. I felt as if anything was ever meant to be a certain way, this was it--exactly how it was. All the doubts, all the fears, all the aching uncertainties made sense beyond one simple answer.

The enchantment of this tranquil eternity was in every aspect the embodiment of truth and understanding. In a way, everything had been simplified in the sense that all clouded judgement had diminished into a clear, honest comprehension of what it meant to Be.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93032
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 23, 2016Views: 2,016
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LSD (2) : Mystical Experiences (9), Unknown Context (20)

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