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Splintering Into the Kaleidoscope of Undeath
Salvia divinorum (60x extract)
Citation:   Readyman. "Splintering Into the Kaleidoscope of Undeath: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (60x extract) (exp93181)". Feb 28, 2023.

T+ 0:00
3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  T+ 0:30 2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
This was my first experience with the use of salvia. Knowing almost nothing about the effects, I inadvertently consumed about a teaspoon of 60x Purple Sticky salvia extract in a bowl. I consumed this in three successive hits using a normal lighter while standing outside in my open garage in the early afternoon. I inhaled deeply, and for about 40 seconds did not feel any effects except the heavy sensation of the smoke, which has rather harsh.

Suddenly, I found myself lying on the ground of my garage, confused and wondering what had just happened. I heard the distant sound of smashing glass, which I would later learn was the pipe I had dropped while apparently falling down. The fact that I did not remember falling or lying down, or dropping the pipe, or anything immediately following the inhalation confused me further at this point. As I 'lay' on the ground, I watched in horror as my right arm began melting into the garage floor. I could hear the sound of birds, in a sort of continual 'loop' going over and over in my mind. Next, the entire scene before me splintered into about 8 separate sections, as if divided and multiplied in what can only be compared to a kaleidoscope. Surprisingly, as my consciousness was 'splintered' into these sections, I felt what seemed like intense pain all over my body, as if I was physically being cut apart.
Next, the entire scene before me splintered into about 8 separate sections, as if divided and multiplied in what can only be compared to a kaleidoscope. Surprisingly, as my consciousness was 'splintered' into these sections, I felt what seemed like intense pain all over my body, as if I was physically being cut apart.
I remember sort of zooming in to one of these sections, and wanting to move around to the next one, and feeling intense pain and fear. At the same time, there was an over-arching feeling of the most curious deja-vu, as if I could almost remember being here before, and feeling I 'knew this place.'

After this portion of the experience, I faded in and out of consciousness for some undetermined amount of time, and then somehow managed to reassemble my fragmented psyche and stand up. I rushed into the house, thinking I had been poisoned or otherwise managed to 'damage' my body and mind permanently. As I walked desperately through the house, trying to shake off the heavy and confused feelings I was experiencing, I looked to the floor, which is marble in my house. The patterns shot up to my eyes in a pattern of swirling neon lights, and I remember thinking 'no! stop!'

At this point, I ran to the refrigerator and began drinking milk, for no other reason than to see if this somehow lessened the effects. By this point, I was feeling slightly less confused, but even more terrified; I thought about going to the hospital, and grabbed the keys to my car. Sweating profusely, I ran to my car, and turned it on, but as I sat there I thought for a moment about not being able to drive safely under the effects of this terrifying drug I had just put into my body. I decided against driving, and went back to the house.

I sat down and tried to calm down, and this worked very well. I can estimate that about 15 minutes had gone by since the initial ingestion, but it really seemed like an eternity had gone by. As I became completely calm, I was floored by how suddenly the effects of saliva came on, and also by the incredible intensity.

About 30 minutes later, I decided this may have been a 'bad trip,' and wanted to give the drug one more try. I pulled out my laptop and turned on the camera and decided I would record myself taking salvia to see what really happened from an 'objective' perspective. Again I loaded up the pipe with about half a teaspoon of 60x extract, and took 2-3 hits. After about 40 seconds, the rug I was sitting on rose suddenly towards my eyes, and I was invaded by the patterns of the rug and was lost in what seemed to be a dizzying display of lights and colors. I lost all sense of consciousness and did not know what was happening, and again felt intense and horrible pain all over my body, as if I were being torn apart. I do not remember much after this, except that shaking my head seemed to bring me back to reality for split second intervals. I began shaking my head intensely, and suddenly felt a dull sensation on my right side of the head, as if I had hit something. I did not feel any pain at this moment.

I faded out completely and eventually woke up on the floor, surrounded by shattered glass. At this point I was truly horrified and rushed to the computer to see what had happened. Upon seeing the video, I could observe that about 40 seconds after taking the 3 hits this time, I suddenly gasped as if witnessing something horrible, clutched at my eyes and began saying 'no, no, no!' then I began shaking and sweating profusely and looking blankly around as if blind, or as if in another dimension. Then I shook violently and fell sideways and began crawling around shaking my head violently from side to side. Then while shaking my head very hard against the side of a table with a glass ashtray, and the ashtray fell and shattered on the ground. Then I proceeded to lay on the ground gasping and heaving, sweating and shaking for various minutes. Eventually, I got up, and looked very confused and scared, and cried a little. I did not remember crying.

This sums up my experience with salvia. It was ego-shattering, and made me feel like I am very insignificant, and very vulnerable, and that at any second our lives can be changed completely and utterly without the slightest warning. It also taught me to respect salvia, and substances in general. Finally, I am partly grateful because it did give me the mystical life changing experience I craved, just in the opposite way I thought it would come. I thought it would be peaceful and enlightening; it turned out to be scary as hell and terrifying, and even psychologically painful.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 93181
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Feb 28, 2023Views: 480
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Mystical Experiences (9), Video (52), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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