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Easy Living
2C-I & Cannabis
Citation:   problemdog. "Easy Living: An Experience with 2C-I & Cannabis (exp93187)". Jan 27, 2020.

  insufflated 2C-I
    smoked Cannabis
2ci was obtained in a wrap of unspecified quantity. Or it was specified but I forget. Sorry.
There was me and my mate Rodney, it would've been enough for two fair old trips I reckon but we took half each. I sat wrapped in blankets, the retailer had said they snorted theirs and that it ached, so we did the same, and it ached, but not for long.

For context: I took a fair amount of acid, shroom and MDMA, mainly, from 1991 to 1997, since then very occasional MDMA, MDA, etc, and coke, since. I took half a tab of acid a few years ago too. I think that's it. I smoke weed routinely, high quality hybrids.

We were in a field right up on a hill, in Devon, Engerland. Early Sept. we cycled up to base and took the stuff at around 7pm as the sun was about to go down. Spent the whole time sitting on the veranda of our log cabin home. Surrounded by sheep. It was breezy and gassy and cool, some low clouds passed over the emerging Milky Way, we saw meteors and Jupiter was the second brightest thing in the sky. I felt some physical and perceptual shifts gradually, by about 8pm contrasts had became notably enhanced, in light first and then in sound. An owl was hunting on the horizon.

I felt very calm, observant, detached. Emotionally quite open, unusually, and not in the least bit confused or anxious at any point. In fact the opposite. Very clean drug, I remarked. It was. I became aware of molecules and gravity and for periods it seemed no more to contemplate the system of sun and near planets than it did to observe just my own visible position. Before I did this drug I thought mind was a singular entity and that self was ultimately totally illusory. For a while in this most static wander I thought perhaps I could depart from the body altogether but it would've been work still on this dose, instead the mind felt like a fruiting fungus, an individual exposed form of deeper more complex and connected system of consciousness, to return to earth, but not dead, just not visible for a while, and never again in that precise form. Deep philosophical contemplation seemed unnecessary, certain truths seemed as self-evident as they ever had.

After about 4 hours, a comparative lifetime for me these days, I smoked some cannabis, some weed called Smile in a glass pipe. It hit like the hand of creation. Rodney played a few south American shamanic songs on his charanga (sp?) and sang, not really my thing but he's got heart and it sounded pretty good.

As it wore off we went into the cabin, ate some smoked cheese, smoked a bit more ganja, and then went to sleep about 1am.

Nice drug and in that dose I think it is very practical. Had elements of acid but in sharper focus, slightly synthetic vibe but not unpleasant, mellow and clear, physically very easy going. Pleasant fresh auditory and visual experience with few side effects, very manageable, not the most profound experience though perhaps as a token of its agreeable nature. I hope to try it in a slightly larger dose in future. In this dose I would think it an ideal introduction to a psychedelic novice.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93187
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Jan 27, 2020Views: 621
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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