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Why in the World Do People Like This
by l
Citation:   l. "Why in the World Do People Like This: An Experience with LSD (exp93305)". May 30, 2020.

1 hit oral LSD (edible / food)
I had been curious for a number of years about LSD. I had read all about its mind expanding potential, as well as its influence in pop culture of the psychedelic era. I also loved psychedelic music for a number of years, which also made me very curious. I had smoked pot before, but was told that being stoned was 'nothing like tripping on acid.' I was curious, but at the same time a bit wary. I had heard some acid horror stories about people who lost their mind, or had watched their flesh melt off, or something to that effect.

Some years passed, and I became a bit of a stoner, and associated with other stoners. I smoked a lot of pot, but still had never come across lsd. Then one day, my best friend came to my house one night, and told me that he had bought four hits of acid. My nerves got the better of me, and I said that I had to be up early the next morning, so I would be happy to trip the next day. Well, I didn't hear from him the next day, or the day after that. Then, about three days later, I was getting off from a very stressful work shift at a fast food restaurant, when he called me on my cell, and asked if I was ready to trip. I said yes, and figured it was as good a time as any.

How terribly wrong I was. I was very anxious and stressed from work, and the rush hour traffic made it even worse. On top of this, my anxiety was compounded by the anticipation of what an acid trip would be like. When I finally arrived at my friends house, he was waiting for me, and had one hit left out of the four he had bought. This was perfectly fine with me, because I really only wanted to test the waters, figuratively speaking. It was a lifesaver that had the acid dropped on it. I told him I needed some time to relax from my day before taking it, but he reminded me of the longevity of the effects, and that I should take into consideration my coming workday. I know he only wanted me to be good for work the next day, but I sort of felt coaxed into keeping a schedule. And, stupidly, I gave in.
I sort of felt coaxed into keeping a schedule. And, stupidly, I gave in.
I took the hit. I put it in my mouth and sucked on it just like a normal strawberry lifesaver. I haven't thought about it till now, but when I did this, my friend said: 'Ok, now what's done can't be undone.' I didn't consciously think about that statement, but I remember thinking that whatever happened, I was just along for the ride, and there was nothing I could do. Somehow this thought didn't make me feel too easy. I tried to be giddy, and to laugh, and make merry with my friend for the next thirty minutes. If I said something silly, I would be like: 'well, what do you expect of someone tripping on acid?' Even though I wasn't yet.

Eventually the effects started to set in. He said that I would feel a pleasant warming sensation in my stomach, and then feel happy. Nothing like that happened at all. I felt the sensation in my head first, like I had been hanging upside down for ten minutes, and my head was filling with blood like a water balloon. This was not a pleasant sensation at all. In fact I was feeling very, very strange in a way I can't describe, and my depth perception started acting up too, like I was looking through someone else prescription glasses. When I sat down and tried to relax, everything I stared at seemed to expand, like I was getting smaller, and the horrible sensation just kept getting worse. I honestly felt more anxious and freaked out than ever I had been in my life. No matter what I did. No matter what position I got into, I couldn't calm down. I was out of control. I asked my friend to hold my hand, but when he did, it was like it wasn't even there. I couldn't tell where his hand and my hand met. I hated this, because I wanted the comforting sensation of external touch. At the same time, I was trying to lay back and relax on the couch, but the sensation was so fucked up. I couldn't tell where my body ended and the couch began either. And all the while this horrifying sensation that my spine was trying to crawl out of my body. I finally couldn't take it anymore and threw myself on the floor,screaming into my hands. At this point, my friend was pretty freaked out as well. I screamed at my friend: 'Why in the hell would anyone enjoy doing this!' 'Fuck LSD! I'm never touching this horrible shit again!' At this point I started crying like a little child. What was strange was that I wasn't embarrassed. It actually was a comfort. Then I started dousing myself in water, over and over, until it looked like I had jumped into a pool with my clothes on. I couldn't tell you why, but the sensation helped me to compose myself somehow. The water on my face was a comforting sensation, and kept me from losing it.
The water on my face was a comforting sensation, and kept me from losing it.

Finally, my friend said something that helped me, in my mind, to deal with this horrible trip. He said that all of us, and everything in the universe is made up of nothing but atoms, and that on an anatomical level, nothing is being harmed, only changing. We are one with it forever. This is difficult for me to explain. I don't know how much time passed before I felt calm. It seemed like only a few minutes, but in fact several hours had passed. For the rest of the trip, everything in my visual field still seemed to move quite a bit. We went over to another friends house, for a change of scenery, and the whole time it was like I was watching everything that happened like it was a movie, and that I was only watching. When I returned home, it was nighttime, and I felt the strong urge to structure everything in my life down to the last detail. I also had a very hard time falling asleep. The after effects seemed like an upper that wouldn't let me drift off. Finally I did, and the next morning, I felt like my physical mind had gone through a lot of stress.

The only positive thing was that I didn't have a single headache for several weeks. After the horrible terror I had experienced, normal life didn't seem to stress me out enough to give me a headache. I think I'll stick to exedrine.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 93305
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: May 30, 2020Views: 795
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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