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One of My Favorite Plant Allies
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   headrug. "One of My Favorite Plant Allies: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp93314)". Mar 25, 2021.

3 - 10 g oral Amanitas (dried)
My Friend Amanita

After a year of reading about Amanita Muscaria and wondering what is it all about I decided to try it.

My first experience was accidentally heroic, craziest and most frightening experience of my life. Truth is, I've never seen accurate reports of dosing anywhere online in my time of searching.

After 100 percent unsuccessful doses of up to 20 grams with A and A-, I decided to try my new A++ shrooms at 10 grams thinking that would perhaps finally be a low dose....WRONG. No it was not a low dose at all.
No it was not a low dose at all.
An hour after consuming they started to kick in. First I was exceptionally happy and felt more talkative than ever. I just loved everything. I imagined this is the way MDMA feels, though I have never tried it. Such a huge rush of energy and excitement.

I was left by myself, then came an unforgettable experience. As it increased intensity over the next hour, what started happening was every second was like a flash, like I was being dragged through a waking movie. I had absolutely no internal chatter whatsoever. Everything that was in my mind was said out loud and VERY loud at that. The moment my trip went sour was the thought of one personal confession, a LIE, I won't go into details. Suddenly, I was repeating a very fluent mantra about this lie, the rest of the evening I paced back and forth between all 5 rooms in my house. The dialogue was between me and an extremely pissed off father figure. He was pissed at my lie, my emotions were taken away from my, I could not cry or say meant nothing.

I walking around between my rooms for 4 hours probably over 100 times, while screaming, not necessarily me screaming but what had assumed my body. This is when I was convinced I was dead. I believed I had messed everything up in my life, and if I wasn't the only person alive I need to apologize to the world. It was a glimpse of eternity. Every second was a flash, I would look at the time in the kitchen and it was 7:46, then I would randomly close my eyes and sleep, perhaps? For how long I couldn't tell. I'd go back to the clock it was 7:46 again, but it felt like forever. I firmly believed I was dead.

When my friend came home was as soon as I was coming down. He though I was carrying a conversation with other people because of my yelling. I screamed at him 'WHERE THE F*CK HAVE YOU BEEN?', even though he told me and I forgot. Then, I told him my personal confession and lie.

I woke up the next day feeling great with a clear convincing memory of the experience. For as frightening as it was, it helped me relieve burdens that were on my mind, and my lesson was simply everyday choices reflect everything, and I need to care more. Since then I have experience 3-7 gram doses comfortably, the Universal Father, or whatever is in this plant has no tolerance for people screwing around with no purpose, or not telling the truth, but with respect this is one of my favorite plant allies. I hold it in as high esteem as psilocybin, but its nothing like it. A wonderful cure for winter depression...I believe that's why it was created.

What I really will always love about Amanitas is its bluntness and determination to get the truth out.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93314
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Mar 25, 2021Views: 951
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Entities / Beings (37), Not Applicable (38)

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