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A Message From Beyond
Citation:   zenman. "A Message From Beyond: An Experience with DMT (exp93387)". Nov 3, 2011.

1 hit smoked DMT
I am a shaman. So is my wife. We are healers. We are reiki masters. We were avid Deadheads throughout the 80s and 90s. We had multitudes of experiences with LSD, Mushrooms, Weed etc. We had heard through another shaman friend that some entities from other dimensions that were friendly wanted to say something to us, but that the connection could only take place with DMT. We knew about Ayahuasca, but were not particularly interested in chasing it out. When you are a shaman. you don't need any drug as a bridge to connect with your guides and power animals. And yet, we were very interested in this 'message', that could not be delivered in any other way. So we obtained a ball of it. It came from a trusted source. Actually, a client that I had been helping with his own evolution. My wife did the dose prep. I was not paying attention. We got a clear indication that this was the night. Take the DMT. I mention it to her and within half an hour we are toking it in a water pipe. One strong, clear hit for me and I close my eyes and lay down on the bed.

Let me talk in metaphors now. Ever see 'Contact', the film? The scene where she actually drops into the ball is the closest that I can compare to what happened next. I immediately went into the REALM. Like others, it was a grid system, at least 4th dimensional. Perhaps 5th. I am immediately accosted by an insect being that is clearly in charge here. He peers DEEPLY into my eyes. I am shitting bricks but my guides say, 'Stay Down, Do Not Resist!' I listen and relax my body. For the next interval, dozens of these insect beings are working on my energy body. As this is happening, there appears a kind of 'catwalk' above me. More beings are crossing and looking into what is happening to me. Ancient Native American chiefs, medicine men, elves, cloaked beings, wizards.... it is completely mind-blowing. Trust me, I'm praying.... crying.... saying 'Thank You' constantly... I am made to see that I already have everything that I need. The intensity is impossible to describe. Suddenly another wormhole.... now I am in a violet/blue grid that feels like the inside of a mother-ship. I feel the Divine Mother and am motivated to speak. She is listening.... I say that all I want is some peace for these suffering children of the world. I set this intent and feel that I have been heard.

Now another wormhole... now I am sitting next to a N.A. medicine man. He jumps into my body and I leap out of the bed. He blesses me and I smell his burning sage. I continue to thank him and am now weeping and trying to emotionally keep it together. Then, exactly 15 minutes later, I am at the foot of the bed looking at my wife wondering if she is alive. She IS!! We laugh out loud and proceed to smoke some cannibus to take some edge off.

My feeling is that my DNA was rewired. My wife feels the same. Will everyone that takes this? We don't know. We won't speculate.

I will say this.... This is NOT a TOY. This is not for recreational use. Be very careful with DMT! Was this a life changer? You betcha! Would I do it again? No way. No need to. One time is enough. May these words inspire the right people to courageously take the plunge. One's experience might be completely different. My wife did not experience the insects as much. Each person will have their own journey, their own story. May you all be blessed on you paths. May you all awaken. ; )

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93387
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 47
Published: Nov 3, 2011Views: 6,173
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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