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Citation:   ColtDan. "Useful: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp93388)". Dec 30, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Methoxetamine
  T+ 2:00 20 mg oral Methoxetamine
  T+ 4:00 20 mg oral Methoxetamine
  T+ 0:00 10 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam
My little summary after experimenting with this stuff a reasonable amount of times over the past year.

My last 2 experiences on this have been a very spiritual adventure, almost enlightening experiences. It feels like I've found true inner peace. Its made me reflect upon things like never before. Focused, creative, optimistic beneficial in depth analytical thoughts about myself and my outlook on life, and things in general. And the afterglow seems to last for a long time after, it makes me want to be more productive and focused, and it carrys many of the other benefits along with it. So many positives with this, and very few minors. Bang for buck, the best value for money substance I've come across. But it demands respect and to be used responsibly, otherwise it will slap you hard.

As said by many people I've spoken to, and obviously, the key is in the dose. The only problem with this stuff is that its very hard to find the correct dose. 15/20mg as a start is the way to go. Currently for me, 40mg is almost spot on. But as tolerance builds its going to be hard to get this right. I plan to use this stuff in low doses now and again for harm reduction as obviously its a new drug, and I want to keep the tolerance down. I can see the addiction/abuse potential. But no way would I ever consider daily use of this chemical as some people have been doing.

Last night after changing my mind about going to a rave and ending up undoubtedly spending loads of money hammering Alcohol and MDMA/Meph and various other unhealthy shit I usually get on, then feeling terrible for days after, I fancied a quiet, cheap night, in preparation for the day after and the night to follow.

Consumed 20mg once every 2 hours, 3 times in total. So 60mg. Should have left it at 40, and spread the dose out a bit more. But it was a good experience nonetheless.
Should have left it at 40, and spread the dose out a bit more. But it was a good experience nonetheless.
Very smooth, gentle, gradual build up, as apposed to what would have happened if I had hoofed up the entire 60mg in one go and ended up a messed up trippy mess. It put me into a cosy warm beautiful dream land, it was like being a child at Christmas. Seeing things through new eyes. Felt like I had just been plugged into the matrix or something. Or perhaps unplugged. I had some very deep intricate chats with some friends, felt euphoric, relaxed and good. For me its like what cannabis should be like. In my opinion as a relaxing chill out drug this shits on top of cannabis from a great height in every way, but each to their own. I had no anxiety, no loss of train of though, felt focused, extremely creative, and smooth. And also strangely stimulated, my eyes were banged wide open, but in a none jittery, heart racing, rushing around manic way. It was so much more focused. And just as euphoric as most other stimulants I've come across.

Anyway, I chilled, chatted, listened to music, read, researched, relaxed, and felt good about everything. Then when the early hours of the morning dawned upon me, and I realized I'd been sat around doing fuck all for too long, I thought I'd try and sleep. But it was impossible, I got into bed and was having some pretty amazing closed eye visuals. Very deep.

Then I felt the urge to sit on my bed and meditate which is strange, I wouldn't usually bother. At the time I was kinda thinking 'what the fuck am I doing? Have I lost the plot? Ah fuck it, I'm gonna do it anyway' but in retrospect it wasn't really that abnormal as loads of people spend hours meditating, finding inner peace. I only meditated for 15 minutes or so, it felt good. I can see why there is so much hype for this stuff.

Then I tried to sleep again and started to unlock previous DMT trips which had been forgotten, experienced this beautiful female entity which almost seems like mother nature, many people who have tried DMT have come across a female presence, like a messenger, like a goddess of some sort who wants to fill you with love. 'Her' is the only description I can think of. I was having messages telling me life is all about Love, compassion, empathy. And love is the most important thing. That we are all connected. She was telling me she loves everybody. It was a worthwhile experience.

Still couldn't sleep though so ended up taking a 10mg valium. Then I started thinking I might die in my sleep and other weird shit, like 'mixing these 2 are bad, what happens if I never wake up, will these be my last thoughts? Oh fuck it, I need to get to sleep' and became a little confused.

Woke up feeling groggy from the valium, but compared to an alcohol hangover + lack of sleep from sticking dirty chemicals up my nose all night, I feel fresh.

Hats off to whoever created this stuff, one of the best drugs I've come across. Has a lot of potential for therapeutic use. etc.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 30, 2020Views: 666
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Methoxetamine (527), Meditation (128) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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