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Triggered a Psychotic Episode
Citation:   R I Teapot. "Triggered a Psychotic Episode: An Experience with LSD (exp93415)". Jan 13, 2020.

1 hit oral LSD
I was going on holiday with my boyfriend and we were both excited to be taking some high strength acid tabs whilst there. Both of us had used LSD before but been disappointed with the poor quality so felt we had not had a 'proper' trip with this drug.

After spending a couple of days getting to know the area in a relatively 'normal' way, we decided around midday to have a tab each. The day was wonderful, I seemed to feel elated before my partner did, who was showing some signs of anxiety to start with which also took me there a little, but after a couple of hours we were both as high as kites with a remarkable sense of freedom.

We spent the day talking shit, laughing lots, making fantastic discoveries, singing songs, sharing emotional moments, laughing more and looking out for each other. It was the most intense experience of my life and I will never forget it but words are not really worthy of describing it, either. After hours of intense, emotional, euphoric bliss we both regained some awareness suddenly, together and somehow went to co-op to get food and then went back to the place we were staying. We were still positively tripping, at this point it got more hallucinogenic rather than psychedelic, everything was an optical illusion, but it remained fun and we both eventually went to sleep and woke in the morning feeling a sense of disappointment at the dullness of reality but nonetheless ok.

After returning home (to my new home, my parents had moved house) … I still felt a brilliant afterglow and as though my life's priorities had changed. In the following weeks, I gained a fantastic interest in everything, and anything. I also made some claims which stemmed from, in retrospect, ridiculous beliefs. One was when I decided that I would like to study philosophy, which progressed into the belief that I could solve anything and in fact my purpose was to solve everything. I began to inform people of my newfound genius and felt extremely elated.

Before long, I was developing and sharing plans to achieve a PHD in philosophy, as well as thinking I would start a revolution.
Before long, I was developing and sharing plans to achieve a PHD in philosophy, as well as thinking I would start a revolution.
As well as this I was involved far more with religion than I ever had before. I even one night believed that I spoke to God, but not with words – I felt that I could communicate beyond words with God as he was beyond explanation but that words were not neccesary for the most powerful messages.

As time progressed, my behaviour got gradually more out of character and extreme, I was spending a lot of money extravagantly (mostly on alcohol), talking to strangers and sometimes buying them drinks... I was sharing thoughts and theories, which, looking back, made me sound arrogant, pretentious and self-obsessed. I thought at the time they were extremely articulate. I thought that I was fantastic and that my mind was opened, believing that I was in fact a lot saner than everybody else and capable of many great things.... I am now embarrassed, to say the least!

My mum, who has bipolar disorder suggested to me on a few occasions that I could be manic but I always denied it. It was only when I had to function in daily life and could not speak without rhyming excessively which led me to panic, that I admitted and accepted it as a problem. Since the initial confusion and disappointment following this, I have been getting very good help after my doctor referred me to the early intervention for psychosis team... it's still early days so the journey continues!

At the time of writing, it has been 3 months since I took that single dose of LSD!

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93415
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 13, 2020Views: 815
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LSD (2) : Post Trip Problems (8), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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