Citation:   kayti. "Elation: An Experience with LSD (exp93459)". Erowid.org. May 21, 2021. erowid.org/exp/93459

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I had already tried acid quite a few times, so I was feeling pretty comfortable and relaxed when I took my tab. I was heading to a Halloween psytrance party with a few of my friends who had previously decided not to take acid that night. I didn’t do much to prepare for the trip, except for skipping lunch and dinner, because I always find that eating less food makes the come-up faster.

The tab I took was from a blotter that I had never tried before, so I wasn’t sure of its intensity. I took the tab at about 9:30pm
I took the tab at about 9:30pm
and we headed for the bus, which would take us to the party.

It was about 10:15pm when I started feeling the first effects of the acid. My skin felt tingly and I started fidgeting. I really wanted to get off the bus and start walking but that feeling was easily controlled, especially since we had gotten quite close to the location.

The bus finally stopped and we all started walking to the club where the party was happening. By this point, my vision had turned kind of wavy, in the sense that the buildings didn’t really look like they should do and my body felt very bouncy.

We entered the club and I was in great spirits, especially now that I felt like I was floating rather than walking. When we got in, the speakers were already blasting psytrance music but the club was quite empty, so we headed outside to sit on the balcony. I sat quite close to the balcony railings, and it was so much fun to look down at the street and see people walk by. The pavement looked like it was glittering and all of the people seemed to be glowing with this golden light. I looked round myself and I realized that the whole balcony was flooded with these beautiful colours and everyone looked happy and warm.

I stayed chatting to my friends for quite a while and I kept looking down at the scene from the balcony quite a lot. I laughed at a lot of things, especially since it was Halloween and quite a few people were in costumes.

I had lost track of time by this point but it must have been about 2 hours into the trip, when two of my friends decided to take a tab themselves and another friend took half. I was really happy that they had decided to take acid as well because I wanted them to share this experience with me.

At this point, whenever anyone talked, I could see waves of colour and sparks flow out of their mouths and shiny lights seemed to be weaving in between the people in the street. Whenever I touched my skin, it felt really soft and warm even though we were outside on a windy night.

I decided that smoking a cigarette would be really fun, so I took one out of my bag (after some time because my bag felt really deep and cavernous and all my things seemed to be swimming around) and it took me a few times to get it to light. Smoking felt really good though and after that we decided to head inside.

By this time, the club had filled up a bit more and I was glad to see that more of our friends had shown up. I started dancing and the floor felt so smooth that I felt like I was ice-skating. Dancing felt amazing because I could physically feel the music whenever I moved around. The club was also decorated with psychedelic decorations like bright strings and lights and this was amplified by the acid. Everything looked so intensely beautiful and illuminated.

The people dancing were leaving colourful trails behind them and the music itself seemed to be creating colours and shapes in the air. I must have danced for quite a while, I have no idea how long, but the crowd got slightly bigger and it was amazing to see everybody have such a great time.

I went back outside on the balcony for some fresh air and I was standing there talking to someone I know and I could see these small glowing stars coming at me from thin air. It was so much fun as I saw them wash over me and whenever I moved my hands, I could see colours swim around in mid-air. Talking was enjoyable but a bit hard because I kept getting distracted by all the colours and I kept repeating how amazing my trip was.

I headed back inside to dance some more and my body felt so light and bouncy, it was a great feeling. By about 2:00am, I had gotten a little tired, so I sat down on of the sofas that there was. It was so comfortable and I had a great time just looking at people on the dancefloor and laughing at all the crazy costumes.

Eventually, I lay my head back against the wall while I was sitting down and I closed my eyes. When I did this, I felt like my body had turned to butter and I was melting along to the music and I got loads of closed-eye visuals. I then decided to dance a bit more and I could still feel that my body was very floaty.

I started coming down a bit by about 3:30am, but I felt very calm and happy. It was quite a gentle come down
I felt very calm and happy. It was quite a gentle come down
but I did have to sit down because I felt kind of tired. At 4:00am, we left the club and walked to our friend’s car which was parked a few minutes away. It had started to drizzle and I was really looking forward to getting somewhere cozy and warm. The car ride was really good because the drive felt really smooth and fast.

We arrived at our friend’s place and we all collapsed onto his sofa, which felt incredibly soft and comfortable. We weren’t tired enough to sleep so we just sat and talked for a few hours. At sunrise, we went up on his roof and the sky looked more beautiful than it had ever looked. The colours were so soft and pretty and the clouds seemed so fluffy and tangible. The lights in the street were still turned on and they emitted a warm yellow glow like they were filled with sunlight rather than electricity.

I got back to my house by about 1pm and after a quick meal, I fell asleep for about 4 hours. I woke up in a great mood, feeling at peace with everything. All in all, it was definitely the best trip I had ever had and it was an amazingly unforgettable experience.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93459
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 21, 2021Views: 474
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LSD (2) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Glowing Experiences (4)

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