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I Just Have to Be Responsible About Dosing
Citation:   RC Tester. "I Just Have to Be Responsible About Dosing: An Experience with Methylone (exp93477)". Apr 30, 2020.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 200 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 427 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I have been using Methylone each weekend for the last two months. I can say for sure that it is Methylone, as it correctly tests yellow with the Marquis Reagant. The first week I started with only 200mg. After each week passed, I would stick to 200mg, but redose after the peak if my body was okay for more. As long as I had no negative side effects after about 80 minutes of dosing 200mg, I would consume another 200mg. Never would I consume more than five 200mg doses in one evening. I would always consume the last dose 6-7 hours prior to my planned bed time, so I would be able to sleep without any trouble. I would take a daily multivitmin, sip water after dosing, and take 100mg of 5HTP along with a small amount of food prior to bed, and after waking up. This generally resulted in good rest, and no hangover.

I have had no trouble with Methylone for the past two months, until this particular evening.
I have had no trouble with Methylone for the past two months, until this particular evening.
I started out with 200mg, had another 200mg about 90 minutes later. The doses were not as satisfying as previous weekends, so I decided to take what weighed out to be 427mg about 90 minutes after the 2nd dose. About 30-40 minutes after the 427mg was consumed, I began experiencing my first truly negative side effects. My eyes had serious Nystagmus (eye wiggles), I could not focus on one specific object for more than three seconds at a time. Although I still had full balance, and could walk okay, it was certainly not something I would have felt comfortable driving on. I could still speak well, but I had to form my sentances before letting them out. My heartrate was constantly at an uncomfortable 110bpm (which is high as I am in good physical health). My heartrate would stay here for about seven hours after dosing. I had some jaw clench during the first two weeks of testing Methylone. However, this time I had what was described at muscle tension in the neck muscles. My neck was cramping up, it was rather uncomfortable, though not painful. I knew that I didn't appear sober to others, so I avoided contact and rested up until I was save to go home and recover to full. Upon arriving home I had 10mg of diazepam to relax, this allowed me to sleep for about six hours. The entire next day my heart rate was still elevated, at approximately 80bpm (resting heart rate for me is usually around 60bpm).

This was the only bad experience I have had on Methylone. The only in which I didn't feel uplifted, but instead uncomfortable and slightly paranoid. I am going to go back to dosing 200mg at a time, never more than 1g in a 12 hour period. In fact, I would never bother using Methylone more than once per week - as the second time isn't nearly half as pleasurable. One of the best aspects of this substance is its lack of long-term addiction. I may feel addicted during one night that I'm redosing, but the following days I'll be smart enough not to bother again for another week or two. Methylone appears quite safe when compared to Alcohol or even cannabis, I just have to be responsible about my dosing, what I'm combining it with, and my diet surrounding the substance.

I greatly enjoy Methylone, far more than other substances due to the lack of hangover and negative side effects. When used properly, Methylone is nothing but pure bliss.

Use responsibly, be healthy, enjoy life.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93477
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 30, 2020Views: 906
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