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Amazing With Little Comedown
Citation:   bristolukperson. "Amazing With Little Comedown: An Experience with 6-APB (exp93480)". Nov 12, 2012.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral 6-APB (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30     Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Took the pill in the car on the way to a free party on a Saturday night. Didn't feel anything at first for an hour or so, assumed it was a dud and intended to get something else at the party to replace it.

Starting coming up really subtly at first, felt very chatty and comfortable, started to get quite warm and sweat.

By the time I reached the party, approx an hour and a half after I took it, I was starting to get a buzz. So I bought a few balloons of nitrous and stood at the front near the speakers.

I came up very suddenly in the middle of a balloon and from that point my memories of the night are very jumbled.

The feeling was very intense and I continued coming up for an hour or so.

Initially I felt totally comfortable and happy, incredibly euphoric and just wanted to dance because I could feel and see the music. I danced for quite some time (possibly an hour or so) - drinking water little and often as I was sweating quite intensely. When I stopped dancing, I found that walking was very interesting, all of my movements felt very over emphasized, my attention span was very small and I found myself trailing off halfway through words and sentences and just forgetting what I was doing.
Not long after I stopped coming up and found a plateau, which lasted some 3 hours or so and quite literally felt like an all body orgasm.

By about 4-5am I was still going and still incredibly happy and loving, could still barely talk and could not co-ordinate at all - apart from dancing and hugging people which felt incredible! I also experienced some open and closed eye visuals including fractal patterns and incredible visualizations of the music and people talking to me.

After the intensity of the feeling I experienced on this substance I was worried that the comedown would be intense also - I am not vanilla when it comes to drugs and in terms of physical effect and feeling this was one of the most extreme experiences I have had - especially from a legal high! In truth I experienced the complete opposite: I was still quite high when it came to midnight the next day (Sunday night) and my pupils were still like dinner plates!

The next day (Monday) I felt a little burned out, but still quite happy and comfortable and a slight feeling of tiredness but at the same time feeling completely centered and happy.

All in all I was incredibly pleased by this and would recommend it to anyone looking for an interesting night!!

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93480
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Nov 12, 2012Views: 12,296
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6-APB (516) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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