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Pleasant Tingles
Citation:   Bryan Muse. "Pleasant Tingles: An Experience with Amphetamine (exp93497)". Erowid.org. May 19, 2020. erowid.org/exp/93497

T+ 0:00
3 mg oral Etizolam  
  T+ 1:15   oral Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:40   oral Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:10   oral Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:30   oral Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:30   oral Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
Earlier today I had taken 3 doses of 1mg of Etizolam so was feeling rather chilled. I had called a friend to see if he had some speed as I was up for livening up the evening. Fortunately a good friend gave me a gram for nothing and after tonight's experience I'l shall be returning the favour.

6:30pm I take my last Etizolam waiting for news of what speed was available. I got a call just after 7pm and headed out to pick up the goods.

7:45 Got back to the house and eyeballed 50mg and washed it down with some juice. It wasn't long before I started to get little tingles and rushes. Nothing major, just enough to let me know it's in my system.

8:10 Decided to take another 50mg to intensify the buzz. Starting to feel more alert and wanting to get chatting. Get online and spread the love with internet people. I always find letting people know they are capable of anything if they put their minds to it.

8:40 Getting a bit carried away and decided to got another 50mg. My body feels so good right now. I'm wide awake and tingles and rushing up my neck and over my head. Moving around is enjoyable and I feel energetic.

11:00 I decided to avoid taking any more in the intervening time as I felt great and was enjoying that state. But time for another 50mg (my eyeballing might not be the most accurate). I took the hit and decided to call a friend I'd not spoken to in a such a long time. Well worth it. Had a great conversation. Jokes and stories and lots of catching up and making arrangements for future meet up.

12:00 Was on the phone for about an hour and decided to have one last blast to finish off the night and ended up talking with a another friend online.

What I got from it was a desire to communicate.
What I got from it was a desire to communicate.
Very pleasant rushes. Not major like on MDMA but pretty constant and a warm fuzzy feeling. I was easily able to follow conversations and read stuff online understanding all. I also had a thirst for knowledge when asking my friends what they had been up to and what their plans for the future were. They were happy to oblige.

I don't know how this would affect me long term but I don't drink alcohol so this could be a good substitute when I want to party.

As a side note... back in the day we used to drink to oblivion and just when we thought the party was over a small bag of white powder would appear and suddenly we were all sober again ready to party all over again :)

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93497
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: May 19, 2020Views: 989
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