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God Head Complete Loss of Ego
Citation:   JonnyB. "God Head Complete Loss of Ego: An Experience with 2C-E (exp93501)". Oct 23, 2020.

30 mg oral 2C-E (gel tab)
Drugs used prior to experience: Shrooms, 2C-I, 2C-B, 2C-E, MDMA, LSD, DMT

Dose: 3 gel tabs of 15mg EA

Overall Trip: lasted for around 24 hours with a 7-8 hour peak of total separation of body and mind.

Experience: Intense visuals, intense audio, belief that a being was speaking through me, desire to share, complete loss of rationality and logic, complete euphoria

Negatives: Long drawn out Comedown, slight stomach ache during comedown, restlessness, no apetite

First of all I would like all of you to know my recent past and drug use. I joined the military when I was eighteen years old and chose infantry as my occupation. I had no prior drug use and was curious but not seeking. I was deployed to Afghanistan when I was nineteen years old and my truck was hit by a rocket propelled grenade which leads me to be discharged. I smoked cannabis several times but did not enjoy the feeling that it gave me which lead to me only smoking on occasions. My first trip was on LSD (6 doses over 4 hours) with friends in the woods which took me on a very enjoyable journey where I discovered myself. My next trip was DMT where I broke through and first felt the ability to truly lose my ego.

On this particular trip my two best friends and I, one male and one female, decided to spend our evening tripping with each other. We had prepared by prepping a list of music, getting plenty of water, a hula-hoop, and several glow-sticks. I was prepared for anything and had zero expectations for my trip.

Around 8P.M. we all ate some food and followed that with two green gel tabs containing 15mg each of 2CE. Almost immediately following another friend of ours arrived and asked me to ride with him to a nearby town to meet some friends. I decided to ride along expecting to return home around or shortly after my trip would begin.

Around 8:30P.M. While sitting in the car while my friend was getting McDonalds I started to notice the body high and all of the lights beginning to expand. I immediately found myself starring into the lights as other colors began to radiate from the center. When my friend returned and we began to drive I noticed that all the vehicle headlights were turning into very flowing patters. I was incredibly excited to see all of this and had little internal thought as my brain was attempting to take in all of the beautiful color patters I was seeing.

Around 9P.M. we were with his friends standing outside and I vividly remember the fence moving like a conveyor belt and random tracers and colors everywhere in my field of vision. I began to feel very happy with everything around me and immediately desired for everyone around me to feel as I felt. After a small amount of time I realized I had been talking to myself about something in space and everyone was laughing. I started to believe that they too were feeling the way I felt. It took an intense amount of mental cool to realize that they were not tripping and even after I continued to ask them.

The ride back home was very externally intense and I honestly began to lose complete track of time. When I returned to my friend’s house I had the most amazing feeling of welcome even before opening the door. Upon opening the door I saw my male friend shirtless crouched in a corner with glow sticks and my female friends hooping completely covered in glow sticks. We all immediately hugged and I began to feel the energy emanating from there deep journeys. I took my time appreciating the colors and building myself glow stick attire and then started dancing.

I decided to eat another gel 15mg gel tab after what felt like an hour of dancing. I moved upstairs to a dark room with a few glow sticks and laid down contemplating the ability of reaching true self-less-ness. I was convinced that a friend of mine that currently lived across the country had attained this and I too wanted to search my inner-conscious for this feeling. The thought of attaining this seemed impossible but the appropriate goal of all intellectual beings. As I moved deeper in thought I began realizing that I wanted to share my feeling at that moment with everyone but quickly realized that I was beyond a normal trip and had moved into a different plain. As badly as I desired to get someone to my level I knew that the intense internal feelings I had were too much for most people to handle.

I moved back downstairs and sat on the couch listening to music. I separated from my body and a whole new being began speaking for me. Intense intellectual thought involving a lot of speaking to me and randomly to the other two beings in the room. I thanked each atom around me for playing its part in my life and began to feel the energy of each atom in the room which brought an intense feeling of accept.

My friends lay next to me on the couch and we lay silently for some time. Although we didn’t say it we were searching together for the next level of understanding. I began feeling as though there was a person in the world who could show me a level of understanding that was beyond this. I thought deeply about searching for them. I realized however that with patience they would be guided to me and together we would take each other to a level that everyone has the ability to find but only the few ever end up seeing. At this point nothing could have taken me from the infinite happiness I felt about any situation and anything. I often feel as though what I’m experiencing is completely indescribable and can only be experienced to really understand.

There is a large piece missing here that I cannot recall. My friends after the trip told me that I was speaking to the lights and to them as though we were not friends but as a guide to all things. I said random things that appeared to be completely out of nowhere to them but still seemed to have meaning. I told them both that the feeling we were sharing was vastly more emotional and meaningful than any physical contact could ever be, and that few can feel this way because they are afraid of their body or sex as a whole.

After the peak I felt as though my brain had been placed back into my brain and that it was sore. I noticed the time was 5:30A.M. And began to meditate on the things I had felt and attempted to share them with the others. They seemed to be significantly less high than me at this point. The female left to attempt sleeps and we stayed downstairs listening to music until 11A.M. when the female had to leave for work.

After this point we continued to trip but on a long drawn out comedown that didn’t truly end until 7P.M. I felt as though my brain was sore, an aching headache, and completely unable to sleep. I spent a vast amount of time playing Elephants on parade in my head.

This particular experience for me was by far the most meaningful and deepest trip I have ever experienced. I feel as though 2C-E is much more intense than LSD but at the same time much more rewarding if you can handle the deep uncontrollable mind state you will be in.

The dose I took to attain this level I feel should be approached with a large amount of caution. Overall 2C-E is a magnificent drug that should be respected. I am currently T+28 hours and have not slept although I feel like I will be able to when this report is finished.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93501
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Oct 23, 2020Views: 658
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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