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It's Just Not the Same Anymore
Citation:   john . "It's Just Not the Same Anymore: An Experience with Cannabis (exp93615)". Jul 9, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis
I began smoking marijuana at the age of 16 in high school. Those were the best times smoking pot for me. I tried it before everything else, even before getting drunk for the first time. The marijuana I used to get in high school was of a lower quality, especially compared with the medical stuff today. Still it could get me pretty high. I also had a higher tolerance since I smoked it several times a week. I remember getting high with friends and laughing endlessly at the dumbest stuff.

After this marijuana was never really the same for me. Towards the end of high school I started getting into more and more heavier drugs. I did mushrooms and LSD, and than later fooled around with methampetamines, cocaine, and heroin. I stopped smoking weed and I remember smoking it one time towards the end of high school and having a decent amount of paranoia set in. I eventually joined the military, which stopped and prevented me from continuing my recreational drug use.

I never smoked marijuana or did any drugs for that matter while I was in the military. I looked forward to getting out and smoking pot again. After I got out, I smoked again and got pretty high. Medical marijuana by this time was everywhere in the L.A. area. The stuff much stronger than in high school. It was quite easy for me to get high and usually 'too' high.

When I did it originally there was a real carefree aspect too it. I had no regard for what others thought of me while I was high. I was just having fun in the moment. Nowadays I get way too self conscious and think I am acting like an idiot in front of others.
Nowadays I get way too self conscious and think I am acting like an idiot in front of others.
I have had disturbing and bad thoughts while high alone about stuff going on in my life.

I wish I could have fun like I used too. Being around too many people on it is never cool, especially when most of them are not high. I have other friends who have experienced this. Some just can't smoke weed because of the paranoia. I think if I were in a better place in my life I might enjoy it more. Its truly a shame.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93615
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 467
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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