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Why Did I So Unexpectedly Like the Pills?
Kratom (25x extract)
Citation:   Kratom Dave. "Why Did I So Unexpectedly Like the Pills?: An Experience with Kratom (25x extract) (exp93647)". Erowid.org. Dec 7, 2018. erowid.org/exp/93647

2 g oral Kratom (extract)

Being a fairly experienced Kratom user, I am not bothered by the flavor at all. So when I heard about Kratom 25x extract pills, I didn't think they would be for me. I thought they would only be for people concerned about the taste... I was wrong!

The Kratom 25x pills came in different sizes 300mg, 500mg and 850mg tablets all being the net weight of extract used in each size. For this experience I decided to use the mid range 500mg Kratom 25x pills. The pills are pressed from a full spectrum hygroscopic Kratom 25x extract aptly named Kratom gold due to golden color and premium quality.

Having taken 4 of the 500mg tablets, I got comfortable and waited to see what would happen. While waiting I made a list of things I do to help with fair testing, as follows:

- Empty stomach (for me, no food for at least 2 hours before, but preferably 3 hours).
- Don't eat until effects have dwindled. I think it can cause premature digestion of the material.
- Take with small amount of liquid and allow it to settle for at least 30 mins before any further liquids.
- No anti-acid medication. I suspect such products hinder breakdown and absorption of kratom.
- Ensure sedentary activity, I normally go for watching a movie.
- No alcohol while testing (but when indulging, moderate amounts enhance effects. Alternatively, orange juice helps).
- Have hot drinks like mint or lemongrass tea for hydration (yeah, I know, but I like them!)

Now, why did I so unexpectedly like the pills? Compared to the 25x extract powder (which was great!), they worked over a longer timescale. They took about 50 minutes to start working, and from there the gradual 'ramping up' of sensation was amazing. I find Super Malaysian works slowly, which is good. But it creeps up on me. It's normally 60-90 minutes before I know it's there. In contrast, these little monkeys happily announced themselves well within an hour, but reserved their cheekiest work for over an hour after that! We're talking about 2 hours before peak sensation, but before the peak I could feel it building all the time.

My wife had decided to watch a well-known American sitcom on DVD. Frankly, this is not my preferred backdrop to a kratom evening, but I have to confess that on this particular evening I was grinning ear to ear! This, for me, characterized the experience. 'Warm sensation on the skin and a great big cheesy grin'! It was a good one.

The kratom 25x pills provided me with the best features of a slow-acting strain like Super Malaysian combined with the intensity of the fantastic new 25x extract.

Would I buy this product? When money is no issue, absolutely. The greater expense compared to the 25x powder can be justified through quality of experience. Rating 5/5. This is a plant with effects about as strong as a cup or two of filter coffee or a couple of beers. Its most extreme effects at normal doses tend to be good humor, ease of conversation and intense sense of well-being. It is just effective enough to prohibit driving.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93647
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Dec 7, 2018Views: 2,069
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