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Reaching Out of My Body
Cannabis & Salvia divinorum (extract)
Citation:   Lucky Star. "Reaching Out of My Body: An Experience with Cannabis & Salvia divinorum (extract) (exp93728)". Mar 6, 2021.

8 hits smoked Cannabis  
    smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I had recently been experimenting with salvinorin A extract for the first time, prior to this I was a regular pot smoker, and had done cocaine once. I had previous trips with Ska Maria Pastora but this by far was the most interesting.

Since the house I was living in was not 420 friendly I retreated to my parked car in the driveway at night, I had a small bong that I used for my previous salvia trips but was intending to only smoke my cannabis. There had been a resin at the bottom of the bowl that I figured was the screen, it was actually salvia, I packed the bowl to the top and began smoking, I had something to drink to cure my cotton mouth... I was ready... But I didnt suspect I would have to be ready for what was to happen.

I hit the bong 2 times and noticed a good creeping buzz, by my 6th hit, I began to feel lifted, really lifted, out of my seat lifted, and then I realized 'I'm hittin salvia' I said to myself, and with a carefree grin, I took 2 more big hits, and knowing salvia usually wore off on me when walking, but weed tended to make me fly, I hopped out of my car and started walking around the block.

My view of everything felt like virtual reality, in point of view camera work a la Enter The Void, I began walking what seemed to me like faster to keep up with my eyes, my soul felt like it was picking my body up to carry it around, and my head felt heavy, I had been walking/jogging this same route for weeks now so it came naturally to me, the trees were sleeping but they were so full of life I couldnt help but smile at them.

Halfway through the walk I started to come back down to earth, but the weed high was still present in a strong way, almost like it had been put on hold for the salvia to wear down, I got back to my car and drink the whole cup of fruit punch and returned indoors, saw my wife and stared at her for 3 minutes with a 'You just missed out' look on my face, she asked 'what' simply and I just smiled and went to writing poetry, couldnt get any inspiration, but that 40 minutes I spent staring at my notebook still felt inspirational.

I had since tried to recapture that feeling but to no avail, I believe I needed an extract higher than 20X and possibly some weed more powerful than Kush, only time will tell.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93728
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Mar 6, 2021Views: 540
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Cannabis (1), Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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