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As Thought I Had Broken My Own Reality
Citation:   An Old Pro. "As Thought I Had Broken My Own Reality: An Experience with DMT (exp93875)". Dec 2, 2020.

2 hits vaporized DMT (powder / crystals)
My Second and Most Significant Trip on DMT

History: A retired tripper, took all the mainstream drugs back when I was about 16. When I found acid I thought I had found heaven. I research DMT like crazy but in the small town I lived in I didn't know anyone who was making/smoking it. So unfortunately the dream went into hibernation, until about 5 years later living in a big city I have found this drug is a little more common here. After 6-8 months of contemplation I decide to grab some from a former colleague of mine. He packed it separated in three small clear vials containers with a little plastic cap on top. The amount inside was a pile the size of a dime; they were slightly granular but still fluffy and sticky.

First Trip: I was very cautious with this trip. It had been so long since I had taken a strong psychedelic and I was nervous. This was only furthered by my knowledge of where DMT can take you and how easy it is to get there. I didn’t realize how fast the crystals would melt, and before I knew it wisps of vapor started to appear.
I didn’t realize how fast the crystals would melt, and before I knew it wisps of vapor started to appear.
It caught me off guard so I started to pull on the pipe. I was so nervous I kept hitting it like this and forgetting to hold in the hit. As soon as I started to feel something I put the pipe down and put out the lighter I was using. I have a Zippo so I was afraid I would loose body control and light myself on fire in a DMT induced trance. On the last hit I was buzzing but not stoned so I took one last hit and held it in. Closed the light, placed the pipe beside me and laid back on my bed and closed my eyes. There were some visuals but nothing concrete, similar to weak to medium mushroom buzz. I sat up after what seemed a short period and looked around. I was still very much in control of my body and in my right mind. I looked at my hands, a classic “how high am I check” with me. My hands were still solid but with slight swirling patterns going over them. After A short period of time I snapped back to normal reality and had a slight euphoria. I was glad I took it slow; a good way to prepare me for what was coming.

Second Trip: I extended the pipe so that I could better see the bowl and my lighter position underneath it. I pack the second hit in and prepared everything. I set up a voice recorder as I was going to try and describe my trip right after. This time I was aiming for a break through and I didn't want to forget it.

I sat on my bed and prepared to vaporize. I covered the rush on the top of the small ping pong sized bulb at the end of the pipe. I thought I might be able to trap the smoke in and let the vapor get thick before inhaling. However, after I started heating the bulb nothing was happening; I put the light closer to the pipe and began moving it around to keep the bulb hot and even. It wasn't until I took my finger away, and gently pulled on the pipe, that DMT began bursting with vapor and filled the pipe with thick DMT smoke.

I inhaled slow and deep, and kept in mind to hold it deep and for as long as possible. I was brewing the next hit while keep the vapor in my lungs and by the time I exhaled I knew it was going to get intense. The clear glass pipe began to shine like its surface had been made more smooth,reflective, even a clear liquid metal. Everything began to sort of vibrate and gain the classic rainbow light pulse fractal energy veins over all surfaces. I attempted the second and smaller hit, and managed to clear the vapor in the pipe. At this time I feel like I had no choice but to put the pipe down and lay back. I felt heavy and slightly overwhelmed, almost tired. I flopped back into the bed and shut my eyes. I don't remember the next moment or two, I do remember feeling like I was dissolving, fading out, like I was going to die. Realizing it now I was probably very close to a breakthrough but I grew scared and opened my eye to try and grab back onto object reality. However this did not help, due to the fact that I was hallucinating like I never have before. Objects around me we fade in and out of visions. Anything that was there was pulsating with the fractal rainbow light energy. I still had the strong sensation I was dying.

It was as though reality was constructed by my own mind, and imagination. Somehow by taking the DMT I had somehow forfeited the ability to keep that reality intact in my mind. I felt all the object disappearing were like files in a computer system being erased; they were like holograms that started to flash in an out of existence. This frightened me as at the time I felt as if I was this system; those object were part of me and part of my mind. I felt as thought I had broken my own reality. I saw flashes of all the people in my life who were no longer separate entities. I thought of how they were all being erased. I was a frightening trip at the time, but I held on to just enough sanity to remember that it was DMT that had done this and that it would go away very quickly. This may sound like a bad trip but I am not afraid of it, and don't think back on it with any regret. Moments like these are experience that completely alter the way you perceive your reality, and even though it was frightening it also somehow makes sense. It feels like a place that you know incredibly well, but have been away from so long that you've somehow forgotten. In my trip I got flashes of what reality should be. Flashes of my own humanity and objective reality, but they now seem unintuitive in a way. I slowly returned to reality after a few moments of endless ego death. Directly after I looked at my voice recording but I didn't say much. I only know from the sound of getting off the bed that I was actually laying down for about two minutes.

I have one final trip and plan on finding a better space to take it in and trying to make a break through. In the Strassman experiment they but an eye shade on all there participants. I think I might to this to try and prevent me from wandering around on my final trip.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93875
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 2, 2020Views: 750
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