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One of the Worst Trips of My Life
Citation:   JimHarold. "One of the Worst Trips of My Life: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp93899)". Feb 27, 2018.

15 mg   4-AcO-DMT
      Pharms - Clonazepam
I've had a very bad experience with shrooms years ago with incredibly horrifying anxiety loops and I wanted to test this chemical out since it is similar in ways.

I don't remember much for some reason. I was watching TV and things began to be very funny and I was laughing, then faces started to morph in frightening ways and for some reason I forgot how to laugh or speak. The visuals were astounding, some of the most powerful visuals I have ever experienced. But then I started to feel this anxiety.

Then for about 2 hours I was curled up on the bed completely in terror. I believed that I was actually insane in real life and this chemical was revealing it. It was so real and vivid it still bothers me. Luckily I had some benzo's around and was able to take some clonazepam to help me calm down a bit, it took away maybe 10% of the horror.

So I do believe there is something in my brain dealing with my receptors that doesn't respond well to certain chemicals. I was diagnosed as bi-polar at one time and deal with anxiety so maybe that is part of it. The same thing has also happened with salvia (the worst of them all, I won't even talk about that) and with 2c-e (38mg which was way too much anyway, never had any problems with any of the other 2c's).

So now I at least know some of the types of chemicals I have to stay away from. Phens are usually what I stick to now and are very easy on my mind like DOI (my first full ego-death), DOC, an occasional 2c', and recently I have had amazing anti-depressant success with 25I-nBOME at the 500ug range. I've taken many anti-depressants for years and I'm now having hope that in the future research into chemicals like this will replace the horrible drugs that are now on the pharmaceutical market that destroyed much of my life in many ways from the side effects and withdrawals once I kept having to get off of them or change.

I was given so many diagnoses and treated like a lab rat, being called ADHD, OCD, Bi-polar, general anxiety, social anxiety, major depressive disorder, and a few others.

Now I'm off all chemicals but clonazepam daily. I am now much better than I used to be thanks to ego death from DOI and the realization that I wasn't crazy like the doctors seemed to say. I realized there is a lot of money to be made and I was looked at as a consumer, not a patient. Now I do my own research and am confident that things will continue to get better for me.

Just wanted to let others know that you are not alone if you have problems with shrooms and other chemicals that cause horrible panic loops and psychosis with disorganized thinking. Be safe everyone.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93899
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2018Views: 1,771
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Unknown Context (20)

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