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Not the Same Results
Citation:   Wizard. "Not the Same Results: An Experience with bk-MBDB (exp93981)". Nov 2, 2015.

I had acquired about 1gm of bk-MBDB. After researching for dosage I started out with 150mg orally which after an hour had very little effect. So with a little more research I insufflated two 75mg bumps which after about 15 mins gave a nice clean, but weak stimulant effect. Once this started to subside, during research, came across the post As a Meth Replacement bk-MBDB (Butylone) vs. Methamphetamine by Monroy so I thought I'd give the IV route a chance too. First I went with 50mg which did nothing. I then bumped up to 150mg which gave me a mild, short-lived since of stimulant euphoria with a minor bit of jitters.

Needless to say I am not a big fan of Butylone. After a few modes of ingestion I was not really impressed. Probably because I'm a fond user of Methylone. Well after the above experimentation I was left with approx. 220mg. Since I really didn't get all that much effect from my testing I decided to go for it and IV the rest of what was left. It still wasn't the Empathogeic of Methylone but on a whole it was pretty nice. A nice smooth rush followed by a bit of nervousness that subsided in 10 - 15 minutes and left me with a nice mild, clean stimulant feel. Don't think I'll have any difficulty sleeping and feel pretty alright. Still a big Methylone fan but this stuff did the trick. Another note is I have no way to find out exactly how pure it was so that may have played a part in having to use higher doses that in other trip reports.

No doubt it has a place for some people because we all have different preferences & tolerances. I Never injected Meth but if it is like bk-MDBD people would get tired of it and it would fade away. A closer substitute, IMHO, is Methylone. For me I am a big fan of bk-MDMA, M1, Methylone or what one prefers to call it. It is great sniffed, ingested and especially in relatively small amounts IV. It also almost always leaves me with an all over feel good type of euphoria and unless one overdoes it to excess it usually leaves no negative come-down side effects to deal with. In euphoria land one moment and a short bit later back to base line and one can go on with their life as normal. Too bad it is now controlled but, if I know the internet, it still will be available most likely for a higher cost.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93981
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Nov 2, 2015Views: 2,485
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bk-MBDB (348) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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